Archive for Juni 2015

Smart Detox Tips : The Best Way To Get In Shape


Smart Detox Tips : The Best Way To Get In Shape

Getting in shape is not as hard as it seems. If you tried several weight loss methods and did not get good results, it is time to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Go over the following article to learn more about the best way to get in shape.

You can get great results without using weight loss pills, counting calories or following weight loss programs. Developing your own weight loss method and focusing on adopting healthy habits is actually the best way to lose weight. You should think about the long term and give yourself enough time to get used to your new habits. Do not expect to reach an ideal weight in less than six months but keep in mind that transforming your lifestyle will help you live longer and avoid health problems.

Look for ways to improve your diet. You should read the labels of the foods and beverages you usually buy. Eliminate anything with a high quantity of fat, trans fat, sugar, high fructose corn syrup or sodium. It is best to avoid snacks, processed foods and sugary drinks. If you often eat at fast food restaurants, get rid of this bad habit right away. Giving up the foods you love is not easy, which is why you should work on finding new healthy foods you love.

Adopt a diet that is well balanced. All your meals should have a few foods from each food group. Try introducing more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fibers to your diet. Try at least one new food a week so you can find healthy foods you love. Give exotic dishes a chance and try a few vegetarian dishes too. You can also adapt your favorite recipes into healthier meals, for instance by replacing pasta with whole grain noodles or by adding some vegetables to the recipe.

If you do not walk for at least thirty minutes a day, you need to organize yourself differently so you have more time to be active. Try going for a long walk every day or find another way to be more active. You could for instance plan sports on the weekends, ride your bike or be more active around the house. Being more active will help you lose a lot of weight and you will soon find that you have more energy than usual.

Working out regularly is a great way to reach an ideal weight. You should start with some very simple exercises to target your midsection. Do plenty of sit ups to work on your abs and you will soon find that your core is much stronger. You can then move on to other exercises designed to tone different parts of your body. Find a good cardio workout to burn plenty of calories and slim down.

These weight loss strategies will help you get the results you always wanted. Use them to develop your own program and you will soon have an ideal silhouette if you are properly motivated.

Smart Detox Tips The Most Effective Weight Loss Program Involves Better Habits


Smart Detox Tips The Most Effective Weight Loss Program Involves Better Habits

Every member of the family probably recognizes the best way they can stay fit and remain slender, even if they require significant amount of weight loss. Typically, fit families are those that have established habits based on a healthy lifestyle. This is often challenging within a busy home, where both parents are off working throughout the day.

Managing a weight loss system in an active family requires dedication of consuming a balanced diet, and performing regular exercise. While it might appear to be much more convenient to simply stop by the fast food joint for dinner, than to prepare a healthy meal, in the long run it can cause significant issues and diminish the health of the family.

An effective weight loss program to keep the family fit and slender requires basic steps. These include:

Do Not Forget Breakfast ñ Yes it is true that the most essential meal of the day is breakfast. Without it, the bodyís metabolism will quickly slow down, making weight loss significantly more challenging. By creating a healthy breakfast at home, loaded with low-fat proteins, vegetables and fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy products is essential to a healthier lifestyle.

30 Minutes of Exercise a Day ñ Signing up for a gym that is 10 or 15 minutes away from home is usually a waste of time. Consider gathering the entire family together to enjoy a brisk walk or some effective activity. Attempt to keep the family workouts convenient and short. Remember that the young children will quickly become bored, so mix up the daily activities to keep them entertained.

Purchase Groceries Using a List ñ Just like you should never purchase groceries on an empty stomach, you should only buy food using a list. It is very easy to select low quality foods simply because they are within sight. If it helps, take along a healthy snack, to enjoy while grocery shopping. This not only benefits you, but also the child that is begging for the purchase of a snack that is truly unhealthy.

Eat Meals Together Every Night ñ Enjoying the family meals together at dinner time is the perfect opportunity to entertain each other, and stay connected. It helps develop better weight loss strategies, by eating the correct portion sizes. Avoid bringing cell phones to the table, or watching TV during dinnertime.

Set a Pre-Determine Bedtime ñ Everyone in the family including the parents requires an essential nightís sleep to maintain optimal health. Without it, it is easy to put on weight, causing everyone in the family to get on a weight loss program. By setting a routine bedtime for every member of the family, everyone can be assured of receiving a minimum of six hours and an optimal level of eight hours of quality sleep every night.

When the family eats right, by developing better habits, there is no need to create a weight loss system, because everyone is slender and fit. However this takes determination and dedication from every member of the family, especially mom and dad.

Smart Detox Tips : Swimming Benefits for Weight Loss


Smart Detox Tips : Swimming Benefits for Weight Loss

Swimming has got many great benefits for weight loss.  It can help you to lose excess weight whilst burning off those extra calories without adding any strain or stress on your joints and your body. Swimming is particularly great because it works all of the most important muscle groups whilst helping you to slim down and tone up.

It really doesn't matter whether you are a competitive swimmer or just enjoy doing a few lengths of the local pool a couple of times each week - swimming is good for you. You can set your own pace, swim at your own speed and at the distance you can manage. The distance you can swim will naturally increase as you do the exercise more.

There are also lots of swimming pool exercise programs which are great fun and can help you to lose weight. Many swimming pools hold aqua aerobics sessions which are a fabulous way to lose weight, tone up and make friends in the water.

The Benefits of Swimming for Weight Loss

You will turn calories while you swim which is basically how it can help with any weight loss program. Swimming also has many cardiovascular benefits and is especially great for older people who may not be able to take part in other types of cardiovascular exercise.

Swimming also uses just about the entire major muscle groups in the body which really gets the heart and lungs working to provide sufficient oxygen to the muscles. As far as cardiovascular workouts go swimming is hard to beat.

If you get a little out of breath on your swim then don't worry, that's a good thing. Any exercise which makes your breathing heavier is great - it simply means that you and your body are working hard. As your lungs and heart get stronger you will be able to swim further without needing to rest which will help to increase your heart rate whilst resting and lower your blood pressure.

Other Benefits of Swimming

Helping with weight loss is just one of the many benefits of swimming. It is also great for other things;

" Swimming is used by athletes as a means to aid recovery after injury. It is a low impact exercise but is terrific for working the muscles and building endurance. Athletes who have had some sort of accident or become injured in some way can turn to swimming as the first part of the rehabilitation program.

" Swimming is great fun. It isn't only about swimming lengths; there are other ways to lose weight whilst swimming. Treading water is exercise too and can help to burn calories - swimming is great fun for the whole family.

" Swimming is also a terrific way to relax, if you need a little "me time" then go for a swim - the calories burned are just an extra bonus.

A half hour session of swimming will burn anywhere between 100 and 500 extra calories depending upon your weight and how much effort you put into it. Why not make the effort to visit your local pool at least once a week with your family or friends to start you on your way.

Smart Detox Tips The Benefits of Tennis for Weight Loss


Smart Detox Tips The Benefits of Tennis for Weight Loss

Playing tennis is a great way to lose a few pounds but there are many other benefits too. Tennis is a terrific and fun way to improve fitness and build co-ordination whilst opening up a whole new fun social scene. Tennis helps you to lose weight, to get fit and to make friends - what could be better than that?

The closest that many of us get to playing tennis is watching one of the Grand Slams on the television. Tennis club membership fees often see an increase immediately following a Grand Slam, particularly if one of the favorites has put up a good showing - unfortunately for many people paying their membership fees is as far as they get and that's won't help you to lose pounds, it'll only help you to lose bucks.

Many people shy away from tennis as part of their fitness program because it looks too darned difficult and they're worried that they'll spend the majority of their court time fetching wayward tennis balls from around the court. The thing to remember is that tennis of any standard is good for you and enjoyable - it really can be as relaxing or as strenuous as you want. The game of tennis requires a combination of physical and mental demands which help to build fitness, lose weight and improve co-ordination.

So how much weight will you lose when playing tennis? Well, that all depends on you and how hard you play. The weight and exertion level is a big factor when you're looking at weight loss and calorie burning on the tennis court but the extra calories burned in a half hour tennis session could be anywhere between 100 and 150 - not counting the fun factor.

The key to really enjoying tennis as part of your weight loss program is to find other players who are of a similar level to yours. Even the most uncompetitive people will soon get fed up of playing someone who is much better at the sport than they are. If you spend the entire half hour collecting balls which have whizzed across the court and past you at an alarming rate it soon gets boring.

Start off slowly with people of a similar standard and just play for twenty minutes or so three times per week until your fitness level improves.  If you gradually build up your tennis time to a couple of hours each week you'll be amazed at how much your game can improve and your weight will fall off.

Don't worry about buying the most expensive tennis gear and kit bag. Unless you plan to keep it up and play regularly there really is no need to spend a lot of money on your tennis gear.

" Shoes are important, they must cradle your feet and provide adequate support

" Tennis rackets cost as much or as little as you are prepared to spend - your local sports store should be able to tell you which rackets offer the best value for money

Tennis and weight loss really is a great combination. You can get fit, lose weight and make a bunch of new friends all at the same time, perfect.

Smart Detox Tips The Only 2 Things You Need To Know About Weight Loss


Smart Detox Tips The Only 2 Things You Need To Know About Weight Loss

Weight loss is a billion dollar industry. It's an industry full of empty promises, where everyone promises that their product is the one product that can help you finally lose weight. I have to ask, if their products are so great, why are people still overweight? Why do we have a childhood obesity, diabetes and hypertension epidemic?

The truth is that there aren't any shortcuts to weight loss. Perhaps liposuction is a shortcut but who really wants to go through surgery? I'm willing to bet that people who have liposuction often gain the weight back.

When it comes to weight loss and life, you should try to get things right the first time. What I mean by this is, you should ignore the promises and gimmicks and focus on the core principles of weight loss. Dissect what actually allows a person to lose weight and to only focus on those things.

So, before we talk about what works, lets focus on what doesn't work. We are doing this so that you can throw all these concepts into you mental waste basket.

Here's what doesn't work:

(1)Crash and starvation diets don't work

(2)Spot reduction doesn't work (Try to lose fat in one area of the body)

(3)Extreme workouts don't work

So what really works? The basics work, diet and exercise.

Diet is more important than exercise! It is a FACT that what you eat has a greater impact on your body fat than how much you exercise. A person can always out eat their exercise efforts. A workout that burned 1000 calories can easily be nullified by eating the wrong foods.

We need to get over the whole idea that we will eat a bad meal and then exercise to equal things out. It doesn't work!

The one method of dieting that works is volumetrics. Volumetrics is a diet created by a dietitian who has found that the key to losing weight is getting full from eating fewer calories. The problem we have with the modern diet is that it is high calorie and people find it impossible to get full, so they keep on eating and eating.

The original volumetrics is about eating high fiber foods like vegetables and grains. I have changed it so that it uses less grains and more vegetables.

When you eat like this you stay full all day from eating healthy foods. My basic diet consists of eating lean cuts of meat like chicken breast and mixing it with an extra large portion of vegetables, eating like this has been the first time that I have been able to get full without stuffing my face with unhealthy food.

Exercise? You need it. The body is made to move. If your diet is in check all you need to do is stay active. Get out of your chair and do anything that will keep you on your feet for at least an hour a day.

As you can see, the natural way to lose weight is the easy way.

Smart Detox Tips : Makin Banyak Lemak Makin Tinggi Nafsu Makan!


Smart Detox Tips : Makin Banyak Lemak Makin Tinggi Nafsu Makan!

Diet adalah tentang bagaimana meningkatkan aktivitas fisik dan mengendalikan napsu makan. Para peneliti mengungkap bahwa olahraga, kadar lemak tubuh, dan hormon, berperan dalam mengendalikan nafsu makan seseorang. Hal ini juga yang memberikan penjelasan mengapa begitu banyak orang sering lepas kendali setelah mereka berhasil mendapatkan berat badan ideal.

Sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan Exercise and Health Sciences di Loughborough University  mengamati bahwa latihan rutin mempengaruhi pelepasan hormon tertentu yang mempengaruhi nafsu makan makan seseorang. Jika Anda berlatih dengan tujuan menurunkan berat badan, Anda pasti merasakan penurunan nafsu makan.

Namun pada kasus tertentu, latihan yang dilakukan secara berlebihan juga bisa mengakibatkan hilangnya nafsu makan yang dapat memicu anoreksia. Anoreksia adalah gangguan berupa hilangnya nafsu makan, sehingga tubuh tidak mendapatkan asupan gizi yang cukup dan kehilangan banyak energi. 95 persen penderita anoreksia adalah perempuan yang memasuki masa puber seperti remaja dan perempuan dewasa yang terobsesi ingin menurunkan berat badan secara instan.

Meski dikategorikan penyakit ringan, namun jika berlangsung dalam waktu lama, penyakit ini bisa menyebabkan kematian.

Dua Hormon Pengendali Nafsu Makan

Ada berbagai hormon yang berperan dalam mengendalikan nafsu makan. Dua yang paling berperan adalah hormon ghrelin (hormon perangsang rasa lapar) dan Peptide YY atau disingkat PYY, yang berperang mengurangi rasa lapar.

Saat Anda mengasup protein, tubuh akan melepaskan hormon PYY untuk menurunkan rasa lapar. Inilah mengapa diet tinggi protein kerap dianjurkan jika Anda ingin menurunkan berat badan. Hormon PYY juga dilepaskan tubuh saat Anda berlatih. Tak hanya hormon PYY, peneliti juga menemukan bahwa glukagon juga berperan dalam mengendalikan rasa lapar, baik di saat dan setelah latihan.

Glukagon adalah hormon yang dilepaskan tubuh saat gula darah mulai turun. Proses ini memicu pelepasan gula yang ada dalam sel-sel lemak, serta membantu memecah sel-sel lemak itu sendiri. Inilah alasan mengapa glukagon turut berperan penting dalam proses diet Anda.

Selama ini kita sering membicarakan tentang efek ‘Afterburn’, namun masih banyak orang di luar sana yang belum benar-benar memahami konsep dari efek ‘afterburn’ yang sebenarnya. Afterburn merujuk pada fakta bahwa tubuh masih tetap membakar lemak setelah latihan. Proses afterburn juga tidak terlepas dari peran hormon glukagon yang membantu pelepasan gula dari cadangan energi yang tersimpan yaitu lemak.

Namun, latihan dengan tujuan menurunkan nafsu makan bukanlah satu-satunya jawaban bagi setiap orang. Mengingat setiap orang memiliki respon yang berbeda terhadap latihan yang dilakukan. Satu hal yang berhasil disimpulkan oleh tim peneliti adalah, bahwa latihan yang Anda lakukan adalah cara yang baik untuk memaksimalkan kinerja kedua hormon tersebut dalam mengendalikan nafsu makan.

Makin Banyak Lemak Makin Tinggi Nafsu Makan

Berbanding terbalik dengan efek latihan yang bisa menekan nafsu makan, obesitas atau seseorang yang memiliki kelebihan berat badan akibat tingginya kadar lemak tubuh sangat berisiko mengalami peningkatan nafsu makan.

Pada 2010 tim peneliti dari University College London (UCL) mengungkap bahwa lemak berlebih dalam tubuh dapat menghalangi pelepasan hormon yang mengendalikan nafsu makan. Inilah yang menjadi jawaban dari pertanyaan, mengapa orang obesitas lebih sulit bertahan dalam program diet mereka daripada mereka yang bertubuh sehat. Bahkan, saat mereka makan dalam jumlah cukup sekalipun, mereka masih merasakan lapar daripada orang sehat yang makan lebih sedikit.

Lemak Bisa Membunuh Hormon PYY dan Glukagon

Kita telah ketahui bersama bagaimana peran hormon PYY dan glukagon dalam mengendalikan nafsu makan.

“Kita tahu bahwa kedua hormon ini memainkan peran kunci dalam mengendalikan rasa lapar dan berapa banyak yang kita makan. Tapi di sini kami telah menunjukkan bahwa obesitas memiliki pengaruh merugikan terhadap kedua hormon tersebut yang bisa merugikan diet kita. Jika mungkin untuk menambah hormon ini kita mungkin dapat mengembalikan kemampuan alami tubuh untuk mengatur nafsu makan. ” ungkap Dr Rachel Batterham salah satu peneliti dari University College London.

Peningkatan jumlah sel-sel lemak akan mem-blok hormon pengendali nafsu makan dengan cara menghalangi mereka mengirimkan sinyal untuk berhenti makan. Ini berarti Anda akan terus makan bahkan ketika tubuh Anda sebenarnya sudah cukup makan.

Mengendalikan nafsu makan bisa menjadi bagian tersulit bagi orang yang sedang menjalankan diet untuk menurunkan berat badan. Oleh karena itu, dengan memahami berbagai faktor lain, seperti peran sistem hormonal tubuh dalam mengendalikan nafsu makan, diharapkan Anda memiliki langkah yang lebih efektif untuk mencapai keberhasilan menurunkan berat badan. (Dan) - Dunia Fitness 

Smart Detox Tips Kebiasaan Yang Membahayakan Kesehatan


Smart Detox Tips Kebiasaan Yang Membahayakan Kesehatan

Dengan kita melakukan kebiasaan sehari-hari yang sehat pastinya akan berdampak positif juga untuk kesehatan tubuh anda. Kebiasaan seseorang pastinya berbeda-beda dan tidak sama persis meskipun bekerja atau beraktifitas di tempat yang sama. Ada banyak kebiasaan rutin yang anda lakukan yang dapat menganggu kesehatan anda tanpa anda sadari.

Salah satu contoh kebiasaan yang sering dilakukan adalah menonton televisi yang terlalu lama. Hal tersebut akan berdampak buruk untuk kesehatan anda terutama untuk mata anda. Jika kita setiap harinya melakukan hal yang baik pastinya akan berdampak baik juga untuk kesehatan dan berbagai keluhan akan dirasakan. Anda tentunya tidak ingin dalam usia yang masih dini atau masih muda terjatuh sakit. Untuk menghindari hal tersebut perlu anda ingat kebiasaan yang dapat mebahayakan kesehatan anda. Berikut ini beberapa kebiasaan rutin yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan ;

Menonton Televisi Terlalu Lama. Semua orang pastinya menyukai berbagai siaran yang tersaji di televisi sehingga menuntut mereka untuk menonton TV terlalu lama. Padahal hal tersebut akan berdampak negatif untuk kesehatan terutama mata.

Sering Melewatkan Sarapan Pagi. Semua aktifitas akan diawali pada waktu pagi hari sampai sore atau mungkin malam hari. Dan untuk melakukan aktifitas tersebut membutuhkan energi yang banyak sehingga diharuskan untuk sarapan pagi. Jika hal tersebut terlewatkan maka akan mengakibatkan penyakit.

Begadang Hingga Lupa Waktu. Malam hari adalah waktu yang sangat baik untuk beristirahat. Jika anda menghabiskan untuk begadang maka akan menimbulkan hal buruk pada kesehatan anda.

Jarang Minum Air Putih. Tubuh manusia memerlukan cairan untuk dapat mengoptimalkan aktifitas. Dan air yag dibutuhkan oleh tubuh dalam sehari setara dengan minum air putih 8 gelas.

Info :

Smart Detox Tips Keseringan Menahan BAB, Ini Dampaknya


Smart Detox Tips Keseringan Menahan BAB, Ini Dampaknya

Begitu merasa ingin buang air besar (BAB), ada baiknya tidak ditunda-tunda terlalu lama. Selagi tidak ada kesulitan untuk menemukan toilet, segera saja dieksekusi karena BAB yang ditahan-tahan bisa mengganggu kesehatan.

"Ya bisa kalau terlalu sering. Bisa membuat sakit perut dan konstipasi," kata dr Meta Hanindita, praktisi kesehatan dari RSUD Dr Soetomo kepada detikHealth, seperti ditulis Rabu (1/10/2014).

Terlalu sering menunda BAB bisa menyebabkan konsistensi tinja mengeras. Tinja yang mengeras membuat pengeluarannya tidak lancar, bahkan bisa menyumbat usus. Ada pula yang mengatakan, racun-racun dalam tinja akan terserap kembali ke dalam tubuh.

Beberapa orang sudah memiliki siklus yang teratur untuk BAB. Ada yang selalu BAB begitu bangun tidur, ada juga yang melakukannya secara rutin sebelum tidur. Kalau BAB bisa lancar dan bisa tuntas, seharusnya tidak perlu dilakukan terlalu sering.

"BAB dalam sehari maksimal tiga kali," kata dr Ayu Yuni Andini dari Klinik Cempaka Putih.

Terlalu sering maupun terlalu jarang BAB sama-sama harus diwaspadai. BAB yang terlalu sering bisa menandakan diare, baik disebabkan oleh infeksi atau sebab lain misalnya makan kepedasan. Sebaliknya, jarang BAB hingga berhari-hari juga bukan pertanda baik. Bisa jadi cuma konstipasi, bisa pula gejala kanker usus.

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Smart Detox Tips Ketika Mengurangi Makan = Gemuk


Smart Detox Tips Ketika Mengurangi Makan = Gemuk

Dari jaman dahulu sampai sekarang, banyak makan adalah sebab dari kegemukan, tetapi apakah mengurangi makan, diet ketat sambil berlapar-lapar dapat menguruskan badan? Ternyata jawabannya adalah TIDAK dan berlapar-lapar justru menggemukkan badan.

Tubuh kita didesign sedemikian rupa, sehingga mampu untuk menjaga dirinya dari kematian. Contohnya adalah apabila kita tidak makan dalam waktu yang cukup lama, maka hasil akhirnya adalah kematian. Karena tubuh berusaha supaya dia tidak mati, maka otak memberikan signal ke tubuh dalam bentuk lapar, yang intinya adalah menyuruh kita untuk segera mengkonsumsi makanan, supaya tetap hidup dan tidak membahayakan kondisi tubuh.

Tetapi apa yang terjadi kalau kita mengurangi makan, dan menahan lapar lebih lama lagi? Tubuh akan langsung bereaksi untuk menjaga supaya tidak mati dan metabolisme tubuh akan diperlambat semaksimal mungkin. Ingat, untuk membakar lemak diperlukan metabolisme yang tinggi, jadi kondisi ini jelas berlawanan dengan apa yang kita inginkan, yaitu membakar lemak supaya kurus. Diperlambat supaya tubuh tidak terlalu boros membuang energy yang membahayakan nyawa.

Setelah itu, tubuh memang benar akan menggunakan lemak sebagai cadangan energy diwaktu kritis, tetapi perlu kita ingat, cadangan energy adalah CADANGAN yang akan digunakan di saat-saat terakhir. Jadi otak memberikan signal lain ke tubuh, supaya pada saat kritis seperti ini, makanan apapun yang kita makan, untuk diubah menjadi lemak, untuk mempertebal cadangan energy kita. Berarti sekali lagi, hasil akhir dari mengurangi makan dan lapar adalah KEGEMUKAN. Dan apabila diteruskan, maka efek sampingnya adalah kerusakan pada organ-organ tubuh termasuk penuaan dini.

Hal ini juga yang mendasari adanya efek samping yoyo dalam diet, yaitu dimana setelah kita berhasil menurunkan berat badan sekian kilo tetapi tidak lama lagi berat badan akan kembali naik cukup drastis lagi. Karena pada waktu kita kelaparan, memang semuanya dibakar yang akhirnya menjadikan berat kita turun, tetapi signal otak adalah ubahlah semua makanan yang masuk pada saat itu menjadi lemak.

Jadi aturlah diet Anda sebaik mungkin. Diet bukan berarti tidak makan atau mengurangi frekuensi makan. Pilihan makananlah yang harus diperbaiki, bukan dikurangi.

Info :

Smart Detox Tips : Jangan Abaikan Ini Kalau Tak Ingin Sakit-Sakitan


Smart Detox Tips : Jangan Abaikan Ini Kalau Tak Ingin Sakit-Sakitan

Kita akan menghargai kesehatan ketika sakit datang. Segala upaya pun akan kita lakukan untuk benar-benar sembuh dari penyakit yang diderita, meski upaya tersebut sampai menguras isi kantong Anda.

Hidup sehat adalah pilihan. Ketika Anda memilih hidup sehat, ini berarti Anda harus menjalankan beberapa hal kecil yang mendukung pilihan Anda tersebut. Meski sering terabaikan, namun hal-hal kecil yang bisa membuat Anda tetap sehat tersebut justru menjadi senjata ampuh untuk memerangi penyakit yang berpotensi menyerang Anda. Apa saja?

Cuci Tangan Setelah Pipis

Kamar mandi Anda mungkin tanap noda, tapi Anda tidak. Bagian selangkangan adalah sumber keringat serta bakteri. Singkatnya, sesuatu yang menakutkan bisa saja bermigrasi dari daerah rektal (anus) ke selangkangan.

“Bakteri bukanlah lem yang akan menempel terus-menerus di suatu tempat,” kata urolog dari UCLA School of Medicine, Prof. Dr Mark Litwin. Jika bakteri-bakteri tersebut berpindah ke tangan Anda, maka Anda menempatkan diri pada risiko infeksi.

Ke Dokter Gigi Sekali Setahun

Sebuah tinjauan ilmiah tahun 2003 memperhatikan lebih dari 28 penelitian dan menemukan bahwa tidak ada bukti yang kuat yang mengharuskan Anda datang ke dokter gigi tiap 6 bulan sekali.

“Jika taring-taring Anda sehat, sudah cukup setahun sekali Anda mendatangi dokter gigi,” terang Prof. James Bader dari University of North Carolina School of Dentistry.

Cuci Buah Sebelum dimakan

Bukan Cuma permukaanya yang dipenuhi pestisida, buah-buahan itu juga sudah dipegang banyak tangan yang menjadi sarang kuman. Menurut Hans Van Dongen, Ph.D dari University of Pennsylvania, lebih baik Anda mencuci peach, anggur bahkan semangka. Terutama semangka dan melon.

“Mereka diambil dari tanah, diletakkan di tempat paling bawah, sehingga bakteri berkumpul dikulitnya. Ketika Anda memotongnya, pisau membawa kuman tersebut dari kulit ke daging buahnya,” terang Dongen.

Minum Banyak Air Saat Flu

Menurut kepala divisi epidemiologi dan virologi University of Virginia,Dr. Jack Gwaltney, minum banyak cairan akan membantu mempercepat pemulihan. Selain itu, Anda bebas makan apa saja. Tapi yang paling dianjurkan adalah sup ayam hangat. Kandungan cysteine pada sup ayam terbukti mengurangi mucus dan radang tenggorokan.

Perbanyak Asupan Makanan saat Demam

Temperatur tubuh yang tinggi akan mendongkrak metabolisme tubuh, artinya membakar banyak kalori. Jika Anda lemah-kurang makan, maka penyakit akan bertahan lebih lama di tubuh Anda.

“Anda harus mengganti sumber energi tubuh dengan cara apapun,” kata ahli dari UCLA, Dr Ben Ansell. “Hal ini mungkin lebih penting ketimbang sekedar mengganti cairan tubuh, sebab tubuh membutuhkan ekstra tenaga dibanding kondisi normal.

Cek LDL Kolesterol Anda

“Dialah penyebab terjadinya plak pada arteri,” kata ahli jantung di Clevelang Clinic, Dr. Michael Rocco. Plak ini akan menggumpal dan menghalangi arus darah, efeknya adalah serangan jantung atau stroke. Menurunkan kadar LDL di bawah angka 100 dapat memperkecil risiko penyakit-penyakit tersebut.

Latihan Beban sebelum Kardio

“Anda akan mendapatkan tambahan energi untuk mengangkat, juga pelepasan hormon yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk menstimulasi perkembangan otot tubuh. Jadi hasilnya jauh lebih baik,” kata pemilih Athletes Performance di Arizona sekaligus penulis ‘Core Performance’, Mark Verstegen.

Lakukan kardio lebih sedikit dari latihan beban. Sebab latihan kardio intensitas sedang 30 menit 4 kali seminggu hanya membakar sedikit kalori yang seharusnya bisa digunakan untuk membangun lebih banyak otot melalui latihan beban.

Jika ingin membakar kalori lebih banyak melalui latihan kardio, sebaiknya jajal latihan interval.

Mandi 2 x Sehari

Mandi merupakan cara alami untuk membantu Anda agar mudah tidur. Berendam di bak hangat dengan santai akan meningkatkan suhu tubuh Anda. Ketika Anda beranjak keluar, maka tubuh Anda akan kembali dingin, saat itu otak akan melepaskan melatonin, hormon yang memicu tidur, terang ahli dari University of Central Arkansas, Prod. Billy Bandy, Ph.D.

Smart Detox Tips : You Need to Be Wise if You Want to Lose Weight


Smart Detox Tips : You Need to Be Wise if You Want to Lose Weight

Common sense and an approach that considers the realities in your life are far more likely to help you to lose weight, than some fancy diets, exhausting workouts or those miracle pills. All these are far more likely to have you parting with your hard earned money, thus reducing the weight of your purse.

A Simple Common Sense Approach to Weight Loss

Examine your present lifestyle, eating habits, diet constituents, and physical exertions. Make a complete list of everything,  sit yourself down, and go through it critically. Do you have a regular routine, or one which keeps you awake at all odd times? Do you eat in front of the television or computer, and are rarely aware of what you eat? Do you eat a lot of fast food? Are you drinking too many colas or other fizzy drinks? Is your exercise routine one that is sporadic?

A ìyesî answer to all or most of these questions is a sure sign that you need to get more control over your life, diet and exercise routines, if you are to benefit yourself in anyway, in attempts at weight loss.

Making Those Changes

Human beings are meant to work for eight hours a day, sleep for another eight hours, and have eight hours left over for leisure, social activities and other things. Ensure that you make for yourself a routine that enables you to work correctly, sleep adequately and relax sufficiently. This itself will get your body into a rhythm that will enable all your bodily systems to work correctly and this can help weight loss.

Switch off that television or your computer and see that you take your meals at the dining table. If in the office, find an outside area where you can eat your sandwich in piece, away from the computer or telephone. Eat slowly whenever you do so, making sure to bite correctly. This will enable your gastric juices to work efficiently to digest your meals.  See if you can stop going back for refills.

Fast food contains a lot of refined carbohydrates, fats and salt. All these help you to put on weight and are best avoided. A simple brown bread sandwich carried from home can give you far better nutrition. Carry along some fruits or nuts and nibble on them whenever you feel hungry. Cut out the fizzy drinks and colas. Reduce your intake of coffee especially if you are used to taking cream and sugar in it. This can reduce the intake of sugar, which can in turn help you to lose weight. Ensure that you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and avoid the heavy red meats. Switch over to brown bread.

Make exercises a part of your daily routine. Consider this as important as eating or going to work. This does not have to be anything elaborate and can be something as simple as walking, jogging or cycling. Gym routines can always help, but need sufficient motivation. Making a habit to climb up stairs, walk down to the supermarket and avoid using your car wherever you can.

Try out all these simple common sense tips and there is every chance that you will be well on the way to your weight loss goals. Do not expect or want drastic results. Very high weight loss can cause other problems like loose skin and loss of vitality.

Smart Detox Tips When to Choose Weight Loss Surgery


Smart Detox Tips When to Choose Weight Loss Surgery

Obesity runs in my family. It's not an excuse, but it is certainly the truth. I believe that I was pre-destined for obesity, partly due to genetics, and partly due to overindulgence. My mother, sister and I are all obese. Several of my aunts, uncles and cousins are also overweight. So, I am not alone in my plight. I have tried every diet you can name in the 53 years I have lived on this Earth, and not one of them has helped me to keep off any weight that I have lost.

I have finally decided to get serious about my weight problem. By getting serious, I am talking about weight loss surgery. I have not decided what type of surgery I want as of yet, but I am leaning toward the Lap Band, due to its less invasive nature, and easy reversal. I am wary of having my stomach stapled, or having most of it removed. I like that the lap band can be adjusted as needed, and requires minimal hospital stay.

The reasons I have for choosing weight loss surgery are many. The most persuasive to me have been the following:

Health Issues

I have several health issues that make weight loss surgery a wise choice for me. My BMI, or body mass index, is 58.  This puts me well above the required BMI of 40 in order to qualify for the lap band. I have mild hypertension, sleep apnea, severe osteoarthritis in my hips, knees and hands. Most importantly, I feel that without this surgery, I will die at an early age due to complications from obesity.


I do not care much what others think of me. I still have rather high self-esteem. However, I do wish to improve my appearance mostly for myself, but for my husband and children as well. At 430 pounds, I am not as attractive as I once was. I believe that all people should take pride in how they look, and just do the best they can. For me, that means getting fit, and losing weight.


I used to be an active woman. As a young adult, I was an avid ice skater. I loved hiking, fishing, camping and yardwork. All of my most-loved activities are now impossible. I walk with a cane due to my arthritis, which will most likely improve once I lose weight. Also, I would like to be able to join my family in their activities, instead of opting out with a headache, or other non-existent ailment.

As you can see, I have many valid reasons to consider weight loss surgery. I have many years ahead of me if I can lose the weight, and get healthy. Many people scoff at those who choose weight loss surgery, claiming that they are taking the "easy way out." I disagree. Surgery is never easy, and those who undergo this type of surgery must still watch what they eat, and change their eating habits. I know it will not be an easy road, but it is a road I feel I must travel.

Smart Detox Tips : Intentional Weight Loss


Smart Detox Tips : Intentional Weight Loss

Of course, the more familiar type of weight loss results from deliberately attempting to lose weight due to obesity or generally wanting to be healthier. This is sometimes referred to as therapeutic weight loss, and is usually used to improve the health or change the appearance.

If you have any medical conditions that are adversely affected by being overweight, intentional weight loss is a good goal. These illnesses can include things like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and arthritis.

Perhaps you just want to be able to move a little easier or have more energy. Intentional weight loss can help you to achieve these goals also. Eating a little less and moving a little more can take off those few excess pounds that are slowing you down. You may have an easier time participating in your "weekend athlete" activities if you lighten you load a bit.

One important point to note is that crash dieting can be dangerous and should be avoided or only undertaken under the supervision of a physician. The body can have serious negative reactions to a severe restriction in calories, so be careful if you decide to follow an especially restrictive diet.

As you can see, there is a lot to know about the area of weight loss. Although most of the time, people lose weight deliberately, sometimes weight loss can be dangerous and a sign of a serious medical condition.

Smart Detox Tips : Wrong Weight Loss


Smart Detox Tips : Wrong Weight Loss

The single, most important thing about weight loss is the method. It all starts there. Results can be achieved with a number of different methods, and there is always more than one way to get from A to B, but the method you use to get there often contributes to whether or not you arrive.

Equally, there are some method to lose weight that are shortsighted, unlikely to work, or just plain dangerous.

The most popular, almost "tried and tested" method of weight loss is dieting. The problem with dieting is that it doesn't really work, and where people do manage to succeed with it, they often end up putting the weight back on, plus more, further down the road.

For me, dieting is just counter-intuitive. The key to losing weight is burning calories, not starving yourself of them. To burn calories, you need to have a fully functioning metabolism. If you can burn more calories in a day than you can eat, then you will start to lose weight.

This is where the miconception about dieting comes in. People think "Instead of burning more calories, I will just take fewer in".

Actually, this doesn't make sense. When you take fewer calories on board, your body doesn't have enough fuel to work properly, so it reduces the metabolism to compensate. You are taking less on, but you are also burning less.

There might end up being some weight loss at some point, but as soon as you start eating again, you put the weight back on rapidly.

Moreover, when your body does burn fat to turn it into fuel, it actually uses up protein first. If you are not eating enough to replace those proteins, all that will happen is you lose muscle mass, which does reduce your weight, but the fat will still be there underneath.

Eventually, you might be on of the lucky ones to hit their "target weight" using this method. Hooray! You can eat again! Now you are piling fat back on top of fat. This is not going to have a good outcome.

What is my solution?

It just makes sense to give your body the fuel it needs. I am not saying to go out and eat as much as you want, I am saying eat smart. There are healthy, nutritious foods out there that will give you everything you need, but for only 100-200 calories.

This is going to help keep your body working efficiently, burning calories and fat, but keep your muscle mass, only take on a few hundred calories, and not have to starve yourself in the process.

People who use this method not only find it easy to keep going, they tend to wind up healthier, and as a result they keep the weight off.

I'm not one to believe "My method is the best and everything else is terrible," but I do think it appears more like common sense than dieting. It makes sense to me that if you give your body what it NEEDS, it will function correctly, and will reach its ideal weight naturally.


Smart Detox Tips : What Weight Loss Equipment Should You Buy?

Combined with dieting, exercise is the most efficient way to shed down those extra pounds. Not only will exercising improve how you look, but it will also improve your overall health, and regular exercising will keep on paying dividends even in your old age.

The effects of exercise are cumulative. The more calories you burn, the more you speed up your metabolism, which in turn makes it possible to lose more weight. If you are going to take your exercising seriously itís a good idea to know what home equipment is available for your weight loss regime and what will best suit you.

Among the most effective, and maybe the best known of them all, is the treadmill. There are a huge variety of treadmills out there, with every imaginable option and style. For example, there are treadmills that are powered by your own walking and others which are powered by electricity. There are treadmills with a motor designed to run for two hours a day and treadmills made to be used for twelve consecutive hours. The end result is a very wide range of products available to choose from. The prices vary depending on the specific item, buts its worth taking the time to work out exactly what you need before making your choice.

The exercise bike is another classic home exercise machine. Unlike the treadmill, it provides a workout for both the upper and lower body, which holds a lot of appeal for conscientious enthusiasts. Like the treadmill there are a large range of different models each providing their own features to help you with your weight loss plans.

Another popular piece of weight loss exercise equipment is the elliptical machine. These machines combine multiple exercises, and the advanced models will give you both an upper and lower body workout. If you havenít seen and elliptical machine before, it is helpful to think of it as a hybrid between a ski machine and a stair climber.

One item that might not immediately strike you as a serious piece of workout equipment is the trampoline. It is, however, a great way to burn excess calories, not to mention it being really fun. The bigger trampolines are often set up in back yards and used for workouts and recreational play, while smaller models, called mini trampolines, are designed for indoor use. Either way, besides being exciting and fun, trampolines are also quite affordable. If you think bouncing on a trampoline gets boring, you can play some fast invigorating music while you exercise, that certainly gets the blood flowing as subconsciously you try to move with the rhythm of the music.

If you donít have a lot of room in your home, you will find some home exercise products that are collapsible when not in use. These items also tend to be a bit cheaper than the larger equipment items. Yoga and Pilates items, or resistance bands and exercise balls fall into this category. When it comes to choosing weight loss exercise equipment for home, you are only restricted by your budget and the amount of space you have available.

Smart Detox Tips : What Is The Best Approach To Weight Loss?


Smart Detox Tips : What Is The Best Approach To Weight Loss?

There is a weight problem in the current society. The majority of the population is overweight. This mainly comes from eating too much processed foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt, and not getting enough exercise. People have tried all sorts of diet gimmicks, making weight loss a billion dollar industry. Losing weight really does not have to cost you anything. If you have the self-discipline to control what you eat and how you exercise, you can lose those extra pounds and keep them off.

Quick diet schemes are neither effective nor safe. A lot of these plans require you to forgo certain food groups. This is not a healthy approach because you will miss out on critical nutrients if you avoid certain food groups. Diet pills that suppress your appetite so you do not feel like eating is not good also. Your body requires a certain number of high-quality calories in order to thrive. Plans that require you to starve yourself are dangerous to your health and should be avoided at all cost.

The better approach is to adjust your diet. Do not avoid any food groups; just adjust the portions. Increase your portions of fresh fruits and vegetables so they make up about 60 percent of your meal. Add a whole grain to your meal for fiber, and eat a small portion of lean meats for protein. Try to stick with poultry or fish instead of beef or pork. You want high-protein foods without a lot of fat.

When you eat a salad, be sure not add a lot of dressing to it. Dressing is full of fat and defeats the purpose of eating low-calorie salad in the first place. Some people use the trick of dipping their fork into their dressing before picking up a bite of salad. This gives you just enough taste from the dressing without adding a lot of extra fat.

Make a point to get rid of most of the junk food in your house. The key word is "most" and not "all". This is because you can still eat your favorite snack, but you just have save up an occasion for it. That means, instead of denying yourself your favorite chocolate fudge, you can just have one small bite of it every now and then to satisfy that craving. Completely denying yourself something that you like may backfire into gorging yourself on it if you fall into that temptation.

Create a fun exercise regimen for yourself. Incorporate both outdoor and indoor activities. Find a buddy with whom you can exercise and meet up with him to go on a jog or a bike ride. It will make exercising a lot more fun and you will pass the time away quicker.

If you eat a good diet and get lots of exercise, there is not reason why you would not lose weight. Check with your doctor before you start any weight loss program. With the right approach, you can get to the weight that you want.

Smart Detox Tips : Minum Air Putih Saat Makan Bisa 'Memancing' Orang Jalani Pola Makan Sehat


Smart Detox Tips : Minum Air Putih Saat Makan Bisa 'Memancing' Orang Jalani Pola Makan Sehat

Mencukupi kebutuhan cairan tubuh dengan mengonsumsi air putih memang sangat dianjurkan. Pada sebagian besar orang, minum air putih di sela-sela makan pun kerap dilakukan. Sebenarnya, berpengaruhkah kebiasaan ini terhadap proses pencernaan?

"Ada pendapat yang mengatakan jangan minum saat makan karena bisa 'mengencerkan' enzim-enzim pencernaan. Tapi sebenarnya, hal ini tidak terlalu menjadi masalah," kata nutrisionis Leona Victoria Djajadi MND.

Terkait dengan kebiasaan minum air putih di sela-sela waktu makan, studi terbaru dari Spanyol menemukan bahwa konsumsi air berkaitan dengan meningkatkan konsumsi buah dan sayuran. Dalam studi ini, peneliti ingin melihat hubungan konsumsi air putih dengan makanan yang diasup.

Peneliti mengamati kebiasaan makan dari 1.332 orang dewasa di Spanyol usia 20-79 tahun. Utamanya penelitia mengamati jumlah dan jenis makanan yang dikonsumsi setiap hari serta minuman apa yang mereka konsumsi setelah makan.

Hasilnya, mereka yang mengonsumsi minuman manis cenderung memilih makanan yang siap saji dan berlemak serta mengandung banyak gula. Namun, pada orang yang mengonsumsi air putih, jumlah buah dan porsi sayur mereka sebagian besar bertambah.

"Studi ini tidak melihat hubungan sebab akibat tetapi ada kaitan antara minuman yang dipilih dengan makanan yang dikonsumsi seseorang. Minum air putih membuat orang cenderung makan lebih sehat karena mereka sadar atau ingin menjalankan pola makan yang sehat," tegas salah satu peneliti dalam laporannya.

Sementara itu, Victoria mengungkapkan jus buah (komersial) dan sirup tidak baik untuk dikonsumsi sesudah makan atau kapanpun karena kandungan gulanya yang begitu tinggi dan kandungan nutrisi yang begitu minim.

"Nah, untuk orang yang ingin weight loss, sebaiknya minum segelas air putih 10-15 menit sebelum makan agar otak 'tertipu' mengira perut sudah mulai kenyang sehingga akan makan lebih sedikit," tandas wanita yang meraih gelar Master of Nutrition and Dietetics (Ahli Gizi) di University of Sydney ini.

Smart Detox Tips : Mau Punya Bentuk Badan Ideal? Atur Dulu Pikiranmu


Smart Detox Tips : Mau Punya Bentuk Badan Ideal? Atur Dulu Pikiranmu

Bentuk dan berat badan yang ideal tentu sudah menjadi pilihan setiap orang. Tak hanya wanita, pria pun kini juga mulai memerhatikan penampilan mereka. Namun sayangnya, gaya hidup masa kini membuat pola makan serta aktivitas setiap orang menjadi berantakan.

Oleh karena itu, obesitas pun tak bisa dihindari lagi. Selama 10 tahun terakhir, obesitas pada pria dan wanita pun meningkat. Hal itu pun memicu timbulnya penyakit-penyakit pada tubuh, seperti jantung, diabetes, stroke, dan lainnya."Obesitas bukan lagi menjadi penjara bagi suatu penyakit, tetapi menjadi salah satu penyakit dan awal dari hampir seluruh penyakit regeneratif yang mematikan,"

jelas ketua Ikatan Dokter Indonesia, dr Zaenal Abidin, MH, pada sambutannya di acara Sepuluh Tahun lightHOUSE Indonesia. Seperti yang kita tahu, obesitas terjadi karena pola makan yang berantakan.

Diet memang menjadi cara utama jika kita menginginkan berat dan bentuk tubuh yang lebih ideal. Meski begitu, bagi sebagian orang, diet merupakan cara yang sangat susah untuk dilakukan. Sehingga tak jarang banyak orang yang terkadang gagal melakukan diet.

"Yang menyebabkan gagalnya diet: yang pertama adalah kontrol dirinya yang jelek, tipe kepribadiannya dominan sehingga susah untuk dikasih tahu, dan pengaruh sekeliling yang suka menawarkan atau memberikan makanan. Jadi internal dan eksternal dirinya yang membuat programnya jadi gampang gagal," imbuh founder klinik lightHOUSE, dr Grace Julio-Kahl. Hal tersebut sebenarnya dapat kita cegah dengan dua cara yang sangat mudah, yaitu keyakinan ingin memiliki tubuh yang ideal dan menahan nafsu makan yang berlebih.

Dengan menanamkan pola pikir seperti itu, maka akan dengan mudah kita menolak berbagai jenis makanan yang ada di depan mata.Menurut dr Grace, seseorang akan semakin susah untuk menurunkan berat badannya jika pikiran alam bawah sadarnya tidak mau untuk berhenti makan. Jadi akan percuma kita melakukan diet A atau diet B jika kita tidak imbangi juga dengan pikiran serta motivasi untuk memiliki bentuk dan berat badan yang lebih ideal.

Smart Detox Tips : Membedakan Gemuk karena Otot dengan Gemuk Berlemak, Begini Caranya


Smart Detox Tips : Membedakan Gemuk karena Otot dengan Gemuk Berlemak, Begini Caranya

Kalau mau cermat, gemuk tidak bisa dilihat hanya dari berat badan. Haris dilihat pula komposisi lemaknya, sebab ada orang yang kelihatan gemuk karena memang massa ototnya besar. Bagaimana cara mudah untuk membedakannya?

"Masuk kamar, berdiri depan kaca lalu loncat. Nah kalau ada yang goyang-goyang, itulah lemak," kata dr Jetty H Setyawan, SpJP(K), FIHA, FAsCC dari Yayasan Jantung Indonesia.

Menurut dokter yang akrab disapa Bunda Jetty ini, berat badan meningkat baru bahaya jika komposisinya lebih banyak lemak. Lebih bahaya lagi kalau lemaknya mengumpul di perut. Jika ototnya lebih banyak, menurutnya tidak masalah karena otot justru diperlukan untuk membakar kalori.

Lemak yang mengumpul di perut, khususnya di dalam rongga perut merupakan faktor risiko berbagai penyakit termasuk diabetes dan masalah jantung. Kondisi yang ditandai dengan perut membuncit ini disebut dengan istilah obesitas sentral dan sudah menjadi epidemi di seluruh dunia.

Penyakit jantung sendiri merupakan salah satu penyakit paling mematikan di seluruh dunia, angka kematiannya lebih tinggi dibandingkan kanker. Bunda Jetty menyebut, tiap tahun ada sekitar 1 juta orang di seluruh dunia yang mengalami serangan jantung. Populsi Asia, khususnya Asia Selatan, 5-6 kali lebih rentan mengalaminya.

Penyebab perut membuncit karena banyak lemak antara lain gaya hidup yang tidak sehat, kurang olahraga, dan pola makan yang tidak sehat. Junk food atau makanan 'sampah' tidak baik untuk kesehatan karena mengandung banyak kalori dalam bentuk lemak dan karbohidrat. Kandungan garamnya juga tinggi, sehingga bisa membahayakan jantung.

Smart Detox Tips Mengusir Obesitas


Smart Detox Tips Mengusir Obesitas

Sebelum dia mengunjungi Anda, segera tutup ‘pintu rumah’ Anda. Kami beritahu 10 tip terbaik untuk mengusir obesitas.

Berhentilah makan sebelum merasa kenyang. Pernah mendengar kalimat tersebut? Ternyata ini adalah salah satu rumus penting untuk mencegah obesitas.

Camilan? Boleh saja. Buah dan sayuran adalah pilihan terbaik untuk Anda.

Lagi-lagi olahraga. Berolahraga selama 30 menit per hari maksimal 5 kali seminggu akan menjaga sistem metabolisme tubuh Anda.

Gorengan? Lupakan saja, bung! Anda hanya akan berurusan dengan masalah. Lebih baik ganti dengan rebusan, kukusan atau panggang.

Anda sering ngemil karena stres? Kalau begitu, waktunya bersenang-senang. Saat stres mulai menampakkan diri, atur waktu untuk hangout dengan sahabat-sahabat Anda. Kegembiraan yang Anda rasakan saat berkumpul dengan para sahabat akan membantu Anda. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suasana hati yang senang dapat membantu menekan kadar stres.

TV dan makanan. Kebiasaan makan atau ngemil sambil menonton televisi merupakan salah satu penyebab menumpuknya lemak. Coba bawa hanya buah ke depan TV Anda.

Jalan kaki. Tak ada salahnya jalan kaki ke tempat-tempat yang tak terlalu jauh. Ini akan membantu proses pembakaran lemak di dalam tubuh sehingga tidak sempat menumpuk. Para peneliti di Amerika menemukan bahwa negara bagian dengan penduduk yang suka berjalan kaki memiliki persentase penduduk dewasa yang terkena obesitas dalam jumalh yang sangat rendah.

Pilah-pilih minuman. Wine dalam jumlah tertentu –1 gelas– memang baik. Tapi tak semua minuman beralkohol itu memiliki manfaat bagi tubuh. Apalagi jika dalam jumlah berlebih. Saat masuk ke dalam tubuh, alkohol akan diubah menjadi trigliserin dan tersimpan di perut.

Ringan saja. Saat makan malam, hindari makanan yang berat dan dalam jumlah banyak. Ketika tidur Anda tak akan memerlukan banyak energi. Akibatnya, energi diubah menjadi lemak.

Makanan manis. Sebaiknya hindari saja yang satu ini, bung!

Smart Detox Tips : 5 Hal Yang Harus Dihentikan untuk Hidup Lebih Sehat


Smart Detox Tips : 5 Hal Yang Harus Dihentikan untuk Hidup Lebih Sehat

Kesehatan merupakan aset terpenting Anda. Anda harus selalu menjaganya dan sekecil apapun kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang dapat merusaknya harus segera Anda tinggalkan. Saat ini Anda mungkin telah atau sedang melakukan hal-hal yang merusak kesehatan Anda, beberapa hal mungkin Anda sadari, namun beberapa hal lainnya tidak Anda sadari saat melakukannya.

Kita akan membahas 5 kebiasaan yang akan merusak kesehatan Anda. Semua hal tersebut bisa diatasi dengan kemauan yang tepat. Caranya seperti ulasan dibawah ini Smart Detox Tips:


Rokok adalah penyebab terjadinya kanker paru-paru dan berbagai macam penyakit serta kesehatan lainnya. Cara tebaik yang Anda bisa lakukan adalah dengan menghentikan kebiasaan tersebut. Namun, berhenti merokok terbukti bukanlah hal yang mudah dilakukan, apalagi jika Anda telah kecanduan nikotin.


Konsumsi minuman keras berlebihan (binge drinking) juga sangat merusak kesehatan Anda. Kebiasaan ini dapat menyebabkan keracunan alkohol, kerusakan otak dan sangat merusak sistem kardiovaskular Anda. Untuk menghindari efek samping yang berbahaya ini Anda bisa juga mengganti anggur putih menjadi anggur merah, karena anggur merah memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan.

Junk Food

Sesuai namanya, junk food berarti makanan sampah. Jadi, kenapa memasukannya ke dalam tubuh Anda? Makanan ini sarat dengan lemak jenuh yang dapat menyumbat arteri serta menyebabkan obesitas. Jika Anda ingin memesan atau membeli makanan tersebut, pilih tempat yang menyediakan menu yang lebih sehat dan selalu memesan salad untuk membuatnya lebih sehat. Usahakan untuk tidak terlalu sering melakukannya.


Mengatasi stress bukan hal yang mudah. Sebagai manusia, kita punya banyak penyebab stres yang menyulitkan kita. Caranya adalah dengan menanganinya dengan baik. Pilihlah cara dan strategi terbaik yang dapat membantu mengatasi stres Anda. Olahraga, yoga, pilates dan meditasi juga dapat membantu.

Kurang Olahraga

Olahraga dapat meningkatkan kesehatan. Latihan kardio dapat meningkatkan sistem kardiovaskular, sedangkan latihan beban memperkuat tubuh Anda. Malas berolahraga akan mencegah Anda mendapatkan tubuh yang lebih sehat dan kuat. Cara mengatasinya yaitu dengan menjauhkan pikiran malas tersebut dan melakukan latihan teratur.Smart Detox Tips:

Jika Anda merasa melakukan salah satu atau lebih dari hal-hal yang merusak kesehatan di atas, pastikan untuk segera menghentikannya. Dengan begitu akan memastikan Anda merasa lebih sehat dan lebih bahagia.


Smart Detox Tips : Tak Mau Gemuk? Hentikan Kebiasaan Nge-charge Ponsel di Tempat Tidur


Smart Detox Tips : Tak Mau Gemuk? Hentikan Kebiasaan Nge-charge Ponsel di Tempat Tidur

Tempat tidur sebaiknya bebas dari gadget karena bisa mengganggu kesehatan. Bukan cuma mengurangi kualitas tidur, keberadaan perangkat elektronik di sekitar ranjang juga memicu kegemukan bahkan saat tidak sedang dimainkan.

Sebuah penelitian terbaru, risiko kegemukan bisa meningkat gara-gara kebiasaan nge-charge ponsel di tempat tidur. Penyebabnya adalah gelombang pendek dari cahaya biru yang dipancarkan ponsel saat sedang di-charge. Gelombang ini bisa mempengaruhi hormon.

Dr Simon Kyle dari Manchester University yang melakukan penelitian mengatakan, hormon yang terpengaruh adalah melatonin. Fungsinya adalah mengatur jam biologis. Ketika jam biologis terganggu, sistem metabolisme makanan di dalam tubuh juga ikut terpengaruh.Smart Detox Tips

Berbagai penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan, injeksi melatonin bisa mengatasi masalah kegemukan. Dalam sebuah eksperimen dengan tikus, injeksi melatonin juga bisa mengatasi salah satu penyakit yang berhubungan dengan kegemukan, yakni diabetes.

"Jika Anda bisa tidur dalam kondisi benar-benar gelap, Anda mungkin bisa menciptakan masa pra-industrial dan bisa melawan epidemi kegemukan," kata Dr Kyle, dikutip dari Daily mail.

Sebelumnya, penggunaan gadget di tempat tidur banyak dikaitkan dengan berbagai masalah kesehatan. Mulai dari yang paling ringan seperti gangguan tidur, hingga masalah-masalah kesehatan yang lebih serius seperti kanker serta penyakit jantung.


Smart detox Tips : Simple Weight Loss Tips For Your Weight Loss Goals


Smart detox Tips : Simple Weight Loss Tips For Your Weight Loss Goals

More and more people today are becoming very conscious about their fitness and weight. Setting goals to improve both is becoming more commonplace. Although, trying to reach your weight loss goals can be somewhat challenging, there are simple steps that you can take to help you achieve success.

One of the most important things that you can do is to set a realistic goal for your weight loss. This will help to set you up for success and not for failure. If you set your goal to high, you may tend to give up because it just seems impossible.Smart detox Tips :

If you are realistic, it is very attainable and you will continue on because you feel success. A good goal is to drop between a half to 2 pounds a week.

For some it may be difficult, but try to keep track of everything that you eat. Statistics show that people who do this can lose twice as much as the people that do not.

By writing everything down, there is no denying how much food you are eating in a day, and you can make adjustments and changes as necessary based on the food intake that you see.

Give yourself some motivation by pulling out a pair of pants or jeans that are too tight to wear. Hang them in a prominent spot such as the kitchen so you will see them every day and help yourself to be inspired. Before you know it, you will be wearing them in no time.

Go through your pantry and fridge. Take out all the ìsabotageî foods and get rid of them. This is the easiest way to not be tempted. If the food is not there you will not eat it.

Be sure to pay attention to the portions that you take at every meal. Portion size can make a big difference to your weight loss goals. If you are taking bigger portions than necessary, you will still tend to eat everything that is on your plate.Smart detox Tips :

Also, try using smaller plates so the plate looks full and mentally you actually think you are eating more when you are still eating the proper amount.

Try to avoid hunger cravings by eating regular snacks and meals. Including foods that have protein such as tuna, yogurt, and beans will also help you to feel full for a longer period of time.

Keep simple fruits on hand for impulse snacking. Fruits such as small apples, clementines, grapes, pears, and small bananas are simple easy to eat foods without having to do a lot of slicing or cutting. When you have that impulse to snack, you can just grab one of these fruits to quickly and easily satisfy your craving.Smart detox Tips :

Be sure to eliminate your liquid calories. Sugary drinks and soda is one of the biggest culprits in sabotaging your goals. Try drinking water instead and add lime, lemon, mint, or cucumber to spice up the taste.

Following and implementing these simple ideas can help you to be very successful with your goals. Weight loss does not have to be difficult if it is approached with the right mindset.


Quick and Easy Tips For Weight Loss


Smart Detox Tips :  Quick and Easy Tips For Weight Loss

Many people are finding themselves weighing a bit more than they'd like. But not everyone is sure how they can lose that excess weight. If you're one of those people, then you're lucky. You've managed to stumble upon a wealth of information about how to shed that weight. Keep reading and, with a little bit of luck, you'll be at your dream weight in no detox Tips

The first thing you need to do is make sure you're drinking plenty of water every day. It's recommended that you drink at least eight glasses of water every day, which each glass having eight ounces of water. This has a few different benefits. Drinking water has no calories so it'll keep your body well hydrated without adding calories. Drinking water will raise your metabolism slightly so you'll start burning more calories each day.

Water is also needed to keep your body running at full capacity. As you're exercising, your body is going to need a lot of water to keep itself in top shape and repair the damage you do to your muscles.  So if you want to lose weight, it's important that you keep yourself well hydrated.

You should also cut out soda from your diet completely. Don't just start drinking diet soda or cut the number of sodas back. Get rid of them. They're horrible for your body. Just be drinking water every day and dropping the soda you can lose a good bit of weight. You should also cut out as much sugar from your diet as possible. smart detox Tips

If you want to lose weight effectively, you need to make sure you're exercising regularly. Every day you should be getting a minimum of thirty minutes of cardio. This can be anything from walking, to running, to biking, to swimming. Anything that will get you moving and boost your heart rate. The more intense the activity, the better it will be, but at the beginning, even walking for half an hour will do your body a world of good.

In addition to the cardio exercise, every other day you should be doing some strength training. Cardio training may help you lose a couple pounds, but strength training is what's going to help you burn the most fat. Cardio is good for short calorie burning bursts, but the more muscle you build up, the more calories you'll burn at a rest.

It's important that you don't do strength training every day though. When you're lifting weights or do anything that involves muscle building, you're constantly damaging your muscles. When you finish your workout, your body starts repairing those muscles, making them stronger. That's how you build up muscle. It takes around twenty four hours for your body to completely recover. So if you don't let your body rest, then you'll end up seriously injuring yourself. smart detox Tips

Weight loss isn't something that happens overnight. It's going to take a lot of time and effort to shed those pounds. But if you keep motivated, you won't have any problems reaching your goals.


Smart Detox tips : Portion Sizes ñ The Secret to Weight Loss


Smart Detox tips : Portion Sizes ñ The Secret to Weight Loss

There are actually many things which you need to get right in order to lose weight, it's all about eating the right things and getting enough daily exercise but portion sizes certainly plays a  large part.

People are getting fatter with obesity levels rising across the country and many studies suggest that this is directly proportional to the way that our portion sizes have grown over the last couple of decades.  Whenever we eat calories which we want but don't need they are the ones which cause our waist bands to expand - but if those calories weren't on our plates in the first place we really wouldn't miss them. Smart Detox Tips

There have been a few University studies over the past couple of decades which has all come up with the same sort of criteria - portion sizes have grown significantly in many of the key food groups.

One of the main problems is that whenever we have a plate of food which contains more food than we actually want or need we will usually eat it anyway without even stopping to think about it. Thinking about what you eat and stopping when you feel full is a great tip for weight loss but one which many of us choose to ignore or forget all about. Many of us eat whilst watching television, listening to music or talking to our families and don't stop until we've cleaned our plates.

Not only are we eating bigger portions these days, but many of the food which is already high in calories is now even more calorie laden than ever before. Salty snacks have had an increase of 93 calories in every portion over the last twenty years, French fries by almost 70 calories and the number of calories in a hamburger has been increased by a whopping 97 calories.  Not only are we eating more food than we need but the food which we eat has more calories in them than ever before - that's a real double whammy for anybody who is trying to lose weight. Smart Detox Tips

The trouble is that we now live in the era of "supersize" - every time you walk into a fast food joint you are given the option of "super sizing". Is there any wonder that we are turning into a nation of supersized people?

There are a few sneaky ways in which you can control portion sizes at home without feeling like you are doing without something.

" The first thing to do is to use smaller plates - a small plate which is piled high with food will subconsciously tell your that there is plenty whereas a large plate with just a small amount of food might look like you're not getting enough.

" Reduce the portions of the "naughtier" foods whilst filling up the plate with plenty of other food is another alternative. Instead of a great pile of French fries with your burger just take around one third of the portion and fill the rest of your plate with a nice healthy salad. The plate is still full, you will still feel full when you've eaten it but your calorie intake will have been substantially reduced.

Smaller portion sizes really are a great weight loss tip.


Smart Detox Tips : My Weight Loss Success Story


Smart Detox Tips : My Weight Loss Success Story

I would like to tell you about my weight loss journey. A journey that saved my marriage, my relationship with my children and certainly my life. Hopefully, by reading my story, other overweight people will find hope that one day they will be able to pass on a story of successful weight loss |  smart detox TIPS.

At 38 years old, and weighing in at 329 pounds, I was walking a tight-wire, teetering on the brink of divorce, ruined family relationships and possibly death. While my husband was supportive, he found that he was no longer physically attracted to me, and told me so. I was devastated, but couldn't blame him. My children were disappointed that I could no longer play with them, or join in family activities. I suffered from hypertension, sleep apnea, arthritis and several other weight-related issues.

I had not been obese all of my life. I was always ten to twenty pounds overweight, but I looked and felt good, and was happy with my life. My weight problem began to creep up on me after I married, and began to have children. I gained weight with each pregnancy, and after three births, weighed over 200 pounds.

I tried several diets in an effort to lose the weight, and I did lose approximately fifty-five pounds. Things were going well until my father found out he had terminal lung cancer. Our whole family was devastated. He passed away fourteen weeks after the diagnosis, and I could not cope with losing him. I began eating all day long to numb the pain, and when I wasn't eating, I stayed in bed and slept so that I didn't have to face reality.

I could see what was happening to me, but I didn't have the power to overcome it. My husband began to withdraw from me, spending more time at work, and with his friends. I worried that he might cheat on me, but I didn't have the energy to care. My children had to spend too much time alone, or keeping each other company while I began to drown in my sea of sorrow. My weight began to rise again, and I eventually ballooned to over 300 pounds, a number that scared me to death.

My epiphany came one day when I heard my 5 year-old daughter ask her daddy why mommy was so sad, and didn't play with her anymore. My husband was so distraught by this, he warned me that if I did not get help, he was thinking of leaving me.

I began to realize that I needed to do something, and now. I made an appointment with my physician, and he immediately put me on an anti-depressant medication which turned my life around after a month or so.

Now that I felt better, I began to work on my weight problem. I sought counseling for my grief, and as my heart healed, I was able to begin an exercise program, and start eating better.

I chose not to follow a diet plan, but did a lot of research on the Mediterranean way of eating. I began to eat more salad, vegetables and lean protein, such as chicken and fish. I snacked on almonds and pumpkin seeds, along with Greek yogurt with a handful of berries mixed in. I gave up white bread, sugar and soft drinks. I lowered my carbohydrate intake, and ate whole-grain breads and enjoyed fruit instead of chips and sweets.

I began to lose weight, quickly at first, then slowing down to approximately 2-3 pounds per week. It has been almost a year, and I can proudly say that I have lost 90 pounds. I have a ways to go, but seeing how proud my family is of me, and how great I look and feel gives me the motivation to press on.

If you are suffering from obesity, I would recommend doing what I did. Stay away from fad diets, and counting calories and carbs. Instead, learn how to eat nutritiously, and create an exercise plan. If you are depressed, as many obese people are, get help. You will be amazed at how your life will change for the better!


Smart Detox Tips : My Personal Struggles With Weight Loss


Smart Detox Tips :  My Personal Struggles With Weight Loss

Growing up I wasn’t a fat kid – I wasn’t a skinny kid, either. However, most of my family was overweight, and had been their entire lives. My mother said it must’ve skipped a generation with me. Then one day, during high school, she met up with me at school, took one look at me and said, “You’re starting to get a little poochy.”

That, my friends, was the beginning of a long struggle with my self-image.

I subscribe that BMI is a crock, and not just because I have always been technically overweight by it. I’m short, but I have high bone density and I am naturally curvy. Not to mention the, er, places on my body that retain a lot of fat. So I was always happy around the 140 range. I considered 130 ideal, although BMI said 115. Trust me, at under 130 my bones start sticking out and there is nothing healthy about it. I’m practically starving myself. So I always maintained my body in the 140 range without thinking about it.

Then I moved abroad.

I don’t know what happened. Maybe it was a perfect storm of a new diet, way more exercise because of my job, and my body naturally aging. But when I was abroad for a year my weight gradually dropped to 130. I came home, weighed myself, and was pleasantly surprised. Then a few months went by. My new career is very sedentary unlike my old job. I also eat American food again, which is naturally high in fat and calories. I gradually gained weight. I thought I would taper off in the 140s again, but I didn’t. It kept climbing higher. When I reached 155 I started watching what I ate and exercised for a half hour every day. Mixed up aerobic workouts with high intensity interval training. Well, I definitely got toned. But I never lost any weight. | Smart Detox Tips

It’s been over a year since I moved home now. Since then I’ve bloomed into the 160s and am still climbing, no matter what I do. I’ve tried replicating my lifestyle from abroad to no avail. The weight itself doesn’t bother me as much as the extra fat does. It literally gets in the way of my life as I try to bend over – my flexibility is completely shot, no matter how many stretches I do every day. Not to mention what it’s done to my wardrobe. None of my bottoms fit any more, and the extra fat all over up top means my shirts barely fit either. I have a round face so fat tends to show up there very quickly as well. I can’t afford new clothes.

I don’t know what to do. I’ve sort of stopped thinking about it. I still watch what I eat and exercise regularly, though. I figure if nothing else, it’s probably my body aging and my metabolism dying. As long as I stay healthy and concentrate on toning, I should be fine for a while. But I dread the next trip to the doctor’s office, the almighty shrine of BMI. Looks like I’m finally joining the ranks of my family complaining about their weight.


Smart Detox Tips Making Simple Diet Changes To Lose Weight


Smart Detox Tips : Making Simple Diet Changes To Lose Weight

Smart Detox Tips :  Trying to lose weight can seem like a very difficult task. If you’ve tried weight loss before without success, you’ll know just how hard it can be to make changes and stick to them. Many people struggle to balance their weight loss efforts with the things that are going on in their life. If you’re struggling to lose weight, a few simple changes may be able to help you get started on the right path.

Instead of jumping into a full blown weight loss journey, try to make a few small changes that could really make a difference. A good, simple change is to not drink your calories. During the day, many people reach for coffees, teas, or sodas. Instead of adding all of those unneeded calories, switch to drinking more water. Depending on the amount of drinks that you normally drink, you could save over 500 calories each day just by reaching for water. Switching to water can also save you a lot of money as it is normally less expensive than sodas, teas, and coffee | Smart Detox Tips.

If you’re trying to lose weight, try to avoid eating out. If you frequently grab takeout on your way home from work, a lot of your weight may be caused by that. Many people say that they don’t always have the time to cook a large dinner once they’ve gotten home from work. This can be avoided by planning out your meals well. If there are certain days where you generally arrive home later than usual, have something premade for dinner, such as a salad that you mixed up a few days ago. Not all of your meals need to be five-course dinners.  Take the time at the beginning of each week to create a meal plan that you can stick to.

Changing the way that you prepare food can help you with your weight loss goal. If you’re used to frying your chicken, give baking or grilling a shot. If you’re used to using a lot of butter or cheese on your vegetables, try to find other ways to prepare them. There are many spices that can be added to your veggies to make them taste great without butter or cheese | Smart Detox Tips. .

You should also keep an eye on the amount of salt that you’re adding to your food. Many people reach for the salt anytime something seems bland. Instead of adding extra salt, try to find seasoning and spices that you could add to give your food more flavor. If you’re used to using ground beef for hamburgers or spaghetti, give ground turkey a try. It’s mostly fat free and can taste great when prepared correctly.

Losing weight isn't just about how fast you can get the weight off. It’s about making lifestyle changes that you can stick to. For this reason, many people to make huge diet changes tend to go back to their old way of eating in a short amount of time. By making small changes, you increase your success rate of losing the weight and keeping it off.



Smart Detox Tips : Gagal Berdiet? Bisa Jadi Rumah Anda yang Salah

Sore menjelang malam, Anda pulang kerja dalam keadaan lelah setelah seharian beraktivitas menjalani kesibukan.

Karena merasa tidak berenergi dan bersemangat untuk pergi ke gym-padahal Anda sedang mengejar target menurunkan berat badan-Andap berencana menggantinya dengan mengurangi porsi makan malam di rumah.

Tapi begitu sampai di rumah, Anda malah asik dengan dua piring nasi rames plus sepotong pizza. Kemudian terlena di sofa sambil asik mengunyah keripik kentang dan sebotol minuman bersoda hingga akhirnya tertidur.

Sudah bisa ditebak apa yang terjadi selanjutnya, usaha mendapatkan berat badan ideal yang Anda impikan pun buyar seketika. Siapa yang patut disalahkan?

Yang pertama sudah pasti diri Anda sendiri karena memiliki tekad dan disiplin yang kurang kuat. Yang kedua adalah rumah Anda. Kok bisa? Ya, bisa jadi rumah Anda tidak bebas lemak.

Coba perhatikan, dapur yang terlalu nyaman terkadang membuat orang berlama-lama di sana. Penempatan televisi yang dekat dengan dapur juga membuat makanan selalu mudah dijangkau.

Alat-alat elektronik yang serba remote membuat Anda malas bergerak, dan home entertainment system yang canggih akan memaksa Anda berlama-lama di sofa. Inilah beberapa alasan mengapa rumah Anda menjadi faktor kesalahan kedua yang bisa menggagalkan program diet Anda.

Ingin berubah? yang pasti Anda tidak perlu pindah rumah. Anda bisa melakukan perubahan pada setting interior rumah yang Anda tempati saat ini, mulai dari dapur, lemari es, hingga sofa yang biasa Anda gunakan untuk bermalas-malasan.

Ruang Makan

Banyak orang tidak menyadari bahwa beberapa warna dapat mempengaruhi perilaku. Contohnya warna biru, diketahui bisa meredam rasa lapar. Penelitian menemukan bahwa orang cenderung menghindari hal berwarna biru yang berhubungan dengan makanan.

Alasannya adalah, makanan berwarna biru biasanya bersifat racun-warna yang biasa muncul pada roti yang sudah basi. Dan hal ini sudah tertanam di otak hampir semua orang.

Namun di sisi lain Anda bisa menggunakan warna biru untuk mengendalikan nafsu makan dan membuat diet Anda sukses. Caranya, jadikan ruang makan Anda bertema biru. Mulai dari cat dinding, taplak meja, sendok dan piring semuanya berwarna biru.

Jika Anda sedikit kreatif, Anda juga bisa mengganti lampu lemari es Anda dengan lampu berwarna biru, sehingga Anda tidak akan terlalu ‘lapar mata’ ketika melihat stok camilan Anda di lemari es.

Sebuah percobaan yang dilakukan di Perancis, para peneliti menyorotkan lampu biru pada sebuah makanan yang dihidangkan di atas meja. Makanan tersebut jadi terlihat pucat dan tidak mengundang selera untuk di makan.

Sebaliknya hindari warna merah, kuning, dan oranye di tempat-tempat seperti dapur atau ruang makan karena pengaruhnya sangat besar terhadap sistem saraf dalam merangsang rasa lapar.

Biasanya, para pengelola bisnis makanan menggunakan reaksi psikologi ini untuk meningkatkan penjualan produk mereka. Dan bukan kebetulan jika banyak logo makanan (terutama yang siap saji) dan interior restoran makanan cepat saji sering menggunakan warna merah dan kuning. Warna yang bisa mengundang air liur dan keinginan untuk makan pengunjungnya.

Hati-Hati dengan Televisi

Para ilmuwan di Brookhaven National Laboratory di New York membuktikan bahwa hanya dengan melihat gambar makanan, orang akan langsung tergoda untuk makan. Menurut mereka, gambar-gambar makanan menyebabkan aktivitas otak para responden meningkat hingga 24 persen-terutama di bagian orbifrontal cortex, bagian otak yang berhubungan dengan rasa keinginan dan memiliki.

Jadi, jika Anda melihat iklan makanan yang berkali-kali tampil di layar televisi, besar kemungkinan Anda akan tergoda untuk segera memesan layanan siap antar di restoran terdekat.

Selain itu, remote televisi juga patut Anda waspadai. Alat kecil itu memang canggih dan praktis, tapi membuat Anda malas bergerak. Sekali Anda duduk di depan televisi, Anda tidak akan beranjak lagi dari sana, kecuali mungkin untuk mengambil keripik kentang di dapur.

Para ahli menyarankan sebaiknya tidak menempatkan ruang menonton televisi bersebelahan dengan dapur. Dengan begitu Anda akan membutuhkan usaha lebih untuk mengambil camilan di dapur. Lebih baik lagi jika ada koridor atau courtyard yang memisahkan dapur dari ruang televisi.

Pastikan juga dispeneser air tidak jauh dari tempat Anda menonton televisi. Sehingga kalu cuma haus Anda tidak perlu pergi ke dapur. Karena sekali ke dapur, makanan-makanan di sana siap ‘merayu’ Anda.

Pastikan Sinar Matahari Masuk Kamar Tidur

Bangunlah setiap pagi dengan membiarkan cerahnya sinar matahari masuk ke dalam kamar Anda. Cara ini dapat mengendalikan rasa lapar. Penelitian yang dilakukan di New York Psychiatric Institute membuktikan bahwa penduduk di wilayah kota yang banyak gedung tinggi dan tidak mendapatkan cahaya matahari pagi cenderung mengalami rasa lapat berlebihan, menjadi malas, dan pada akhirnya bertambah berat badannya.

Biasakan tidur antara 7-8 jam setiap malam. Karena kurang tidur dapat mengakibatkan tingginya kadar insulin dan glukosa darah. Tingginya insulin dan glukosa darah berpotensi meningkatkan penyimpanan sel-sel lemak dalam tubuh, sehingga membuat berat badan makin bertambah. (dan)


Smart Detox Tips : Dua Kebiasaan Ini Bikin Tubuh Orang di Kota Besar Rentan Melar


Smart Detox Tips : Dua Kebiasaan Ini Bikin Tubuh Orang di Kota Besar Rentan Melar

Obesitas menjadi salah satu faktor penyakit degeneratif rentan dialami warga di kota besar. Ada dua kebiasaan yang ditengarai membuat beberapa warga kota besar memiliki masalah dengan berat badan berlebih. Kebiasaan itu adalah snaking dan skiping.

Diutarakan nutrisionis Mochamad Aldis SKM, penduduk di kota besar sulit mengontrol asupan makanan karena tak tersedianya waktu untuk menyiapkan makanan akibat aktivitas yang padat. Makanan cepat saji pun menjadi pilihan utama.

"Maka dari itu habit yang muncul adalah snacking yaitu ngemil karena nggak ada waktu menyiapkan makanan utama. Lalu sering skiping (menunda) makan pagi, siang, dan malam sehingga pola makan amburadul," tutur Aldis di sela-sela Launching OSIM uShape di Kota Kasablanka, Jakarta, dan ditulis pada Kamis (2/10/2014).

Selain itu, aktivitas fisik yang kurang pun ikut andil dalam terjadinya obesitas. Nah, penyakit degeneratif yang sangat erat kaitannya dengan asupan kalori yakni diabetes melitus tipe 2.

Aldis menuturkan seringkali ditemui kasus prediabetes yang disebabkan asupan kalori tinggi tetapi aktivitas rendah sehingga kadar gula darah meningkat. Perlu diingat, prediabetes belum dikategorikan diabetes. Smart Detox Tips

"Sayangnya, banyak orang yg belum tahu dirinya prediabetes, paling hanya 4-5% yang tau. Padahal pada orang dengan prediabetes, kadar gula darahnya masih bisa dinormalkan lagi," lanjut Aldis.

Kunci untuk mencegah obesitas yang menjadi salah satu pangkal munculnya penyakit degeneratif, dikatakan Aldis lakukanlah pola hidup seimbang. "Usahakan aktivitas fisik dengan baik dan rutin serta asupan nutrisi seimbang," ujarnya.


Smart Detox Tips : Hati-hati, Sedang Diet Bisa Membuat Orang Gampang Marah dan Depresi


Smart Detox Tips : Hati-hati, Sedang Diet Bisa Membuat Orang Gampang Marah dan Depresi

Iklan produk atau program diet di televisi dan majalah selalu menampilkan wajah-wajah model yang ceria. Padahal, aslinya tidak seperti itu. Penelitian terbaru mengungkapkan bahwa sedang melakukan diet malah akan memperburuk mood.

Jane Wardle dari University College London mengatakan bahwa penelitiannya membuktikan bahwa mood seseorang memburuk ketika sedang melakukan diet. Risikonya, orang yang sedang diet akan gampang marah dan bisa saja menjadi depresi.

"Kita semua tahu bahwa menurunkan berat badan dan mempertahankannya sangat sulit dilakukan. Sehingga kami ingin mengetahui efeknya dari sisi psikologis. Dan ternyata, efek psikologis yang terjadi karena diet sangat negatif," tutur Wardle dikutip dari Reuters, Sabtu (6/9/2014).

Penelitian Wardle dilakukan kepada 2.000 orang dewasa yang obesitas atau memiliki kelebihan berat badan. Mereka diminta untuk minimal mengurangi berat badannya sebanyak 5 persen, dan dipantau selama 4 tahun.

Setelah 4 tahun, 14 persen partisipan dapat mengurangi berat badannya kurang lebih 7 kg. Sementara 71 persen memiliki berat badan tetap dan tak berubah, sisa 15 persen malah mengalami kenaikan berat badan sebanyak 6 kg.

Hasilnya, mereka yang mengalami penurunan berat badan memiliki gejala depresi yang cukup tinggi. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan tingginya tekanan darah serta tes psikologis yang dilakukan oleh peneliti. Smart Detox Tips

Menurut Wardle, mengurangi jatah makanan yang disukai dan tak dapat menikmati makanan favorit menjadi alasan mengapa mood orang yang sedang diet memburuk. Hal itu akan tetap terjadi meskipun mereka mengetahui bahwa berdiet mempunyai efek kesehatan yang baik bagi dirinya.

"Mungkin saja jika kita lebih jujur dan lebih menerima fakta bahwa berdiet memang tak menyenangkan untuk jangka pendek namun memiliki manfaat jangka panjang, kita akan lebih merasa santai dan tenang menjalaninya," tutur Wardle lagi.


Smart Detox Tips : Benarkah Sore Hari Adalah Waktu Berbahaya Saat Diet?


Smart Detox Tips : Benarkah Sore Hari Adalah Waktu Berbahaya Saat Diet?

Pernahkah Anda merasa menginginkan makanan yang asin dan manis di sore hari ketika diet? Bisa jadi itu salah satu faktor yang membuat diet Anda gagal.

Sebuah penelitian baru mengungkapkan bahwa kebanyakan orang yang menyimpang dari rencana makan sehat atau diet mereka ketika jam 4 sore.

Untuk melakukan penelitian ini, para peneliti dari kelompok riset di Inggris bernama OnePoll menganalisa 1.000 pria dan wanita tentang kebiasaan diet mereka.

Hasilnya, menunjukan bahwa sekitar 45% dari mereka mengatakan masih sering ‘mencuri’ waktu dikala sore hari untuk makan atau ngemil dengan makanan yang tidak sehat, dimana itu diketahui akan merusak resolusi diet mereka.

Dan ketika para peneliti meminta para peserta penelitian untuk memilih waktu tertentu antara jam 4 sore dan jam 11 malam, rata-rata para peserta memilih jam 4 sore untuk makan.

“Itu masuk akal”, ujar Lisa R. Young, Ph.D., R.D., C.D.N., seorang penulis buku The Portion Teller Plan, dalam menanggapi hasil penelitian ini.

“Sore hari adalah waktu dimana tingkat kadar gula darah kita akan turun, karena sudah terlalu lama tidak diisi sejak makan siang terakhir,” sambung Young.

Hal ini bisa menjadi salah satu faktor gagalnya diet yang sedang dijalani, karena telah menyimpang dari jadwal yang sudah ditentukan untuk makan sehat saat diet.

Beruntungnya, ada dua cara untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, pertama Anda bisa makan kecil antara jam 3-4 sore dengan jumlah kalori 150-200, sehingga hal itu dapat menangkal rasa lapar pada saat sore hari. Smart Detox Tips

Young juga merekomendasikan untuk mengonsumsi makanan yang kaya akan serat dan protein seperti misalnya irisan buah apel, selai kacang, atau secangkir sup sayuran, kerena kombinasi tersebut akan membuat Anda kenyang lebih lama.

Pilahan kedua, pertimbangkan untuk berolahraga ketika pulang kerja atau sore hari, “Bila Anda sudah tahu akan melakukan hal positif seperti berolahraga setelah pulang kantor, mungkin itu akan menjadi lebih mudah untuk mencegah Anda makan di sore hari,” ungkap Young.

Bahkan hanya dengan latihan kecil saja seperti jalan kaki, itu bisa membantu Anda menahan godaan untuk makan di saat-saat jam berbahaya tersebut.


Smart Detox Tips : Berat Badan Naik 2 Kg, Tekanan Darah pun Bisa Ikut Meningkat


Smart Detox Tips : Berat Badan Naik 2 Kg, Tekanan Darah pun Bisa Ikut Meningkat

Efek langsung dari kenaikan berat badan mungkin akan terlihat pada kepercayaan diri seseorang. Namun rupanya kondisi ini juga menimbulkan efek pada tekanan darah seseorang lho.

Studi yang dilakukan oleh Mayo Clinic menyebutkan bahwa naik berat badan, kira-kira hingga 2 kg, dapat menempatkan seseorang pada risiko tekanan darah yang meningkat pula.

"Hasil penelitian kami menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan tekanan darah secara khusus terkait dengan peningkatan lemak visceral, yang merupakan lemak di dalam perut," ungkap penulis utama dari studi ini, dr Naima Covassin.

Pada awal studi yang dilakukan dalam waktu delapan pekan ini, para peneliti memonitor 24 jam tekanan darah dari 16 orang responden yang memiliki berat badan normal | smart detox Tips.

Kemudian mereka diberikan makan tambahan 400 sampai 1.200 kalori setiap hari dengan pilihan seperti es krim, cokelat, atau minuman lainnya untuk menaikkan berat badan mereka sekitar lima persen. Setelah itu, tekanan darah mereka diperika selama periode 24 jam.

Hasil pengukuran tekanan darah ini kemudian dibandingkan dengan 10 orang responden lainnya, yang berat badannya justru dipertahankan selama periode delapan pekan tersebut.

Para peneliti menemukan bahwa mereka yang berat badannya naik memiliki tekanan darah sistolik (angka atas) meningkat dari rata-rata 114 mmHg menjadi rata-rata 118 mmHg. Mereka yang memiliki lingkar perut lebih besar juga mengalami peningkatan tekanan darah.

dr Covassin mengatakan penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk melihat apakah hasilnya sama dalam kelompok usia yang berbeda, atau pada mereka yang memiliki riwayat keluarga tekanan darah tinggi dan kelompok lainnya. Hasil ini juga dinilainya penting agar masyarakat lebih peduli dengan lingkar perut. Smart Detox Tips

Para ahli tak menampik pentingnya pengukuran berat badan. Hanya saja, angka tersebut tak bisa dijadikan patokan untuk menyebut seseorang dalam keadaan sehat. Berat badan hanyalah salah satu bagian dari pengukur kesehatan tubuh.

"Ya, berat badan memang hanya salah satu faktor risiko. Tekanan darah, kolesterol, tingkat aktivitas fisik dan kebiasaan merokok tak kalah pentingnya. Kondisi-kondisi tersebut juga merupakan faktor risiko penyakit seperti penyakit jantung dan diabetes," ujar Prof Mark Harris dari Centre for Obesity Management and Prevention di University of New South Wales, seperti dikutip dari ABC Australia.


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