Smart Detox Tips Timeless Fundmentals For Winning Your Weight Loss Battle


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Smart Detox Tips Timeless Fundmentals For Winning Your Weight Loss Battle

Finally getting rid of troublesome excess weight is a struggle that many people find to be essentially unwinnable. Drifting from one fad diet to another, far too many people throw up their hands in defeat instead of focusing on a few fundamental truths regarding weight loss. This article is intended to outline the basic nuts and bolts of successfully losing weight and to offer pointers to help anyone achieve the figure they desire.

Though it may sound deceptively simple, the concept of calories in versus calories out really does hold true when it comes to dropping extra pounds. Creating a caloric deficit is truly the way to lose weight and does not have to be as difficult as many think. While certainly tedious at times, paying attention to the total calories of all food and beverages consumed each day is critical to creating that all-important deficit each and every week.

A great way to begin the process of limiting daily calories is to pay close attention to the sort of drinks consumed on a regular basis. Most people are shocked to discover how much of their daily intake comes from liquids alone. Juices, sodas and coffee drinks can pack a hefty caloric punch and if consumed with abandon, can sink the plans of even the most dedicated dieters.

Therefore, it is wise to begin replacing most, if not all of such drinks with water. If drinking straight water holds little appeal for you, try adding a slice of fresh lemon or lime along with some ice cubes for a crisp, clean beverage. Though you may be tempted to simply start drinking diet sodas instead of regular ones, this is not an effective strategy. Switching to water will keep you constantly hydrated and is a far healthier choice.

To keep the calorie count under control when it comes to food, some easy adjustments to the daily diet can be made. Smaller portion sizes can be one way to reduce your totals and achieve the deficit you need. Or, try to boost your intake of low-cal filler foods such as raw vegetables, rice cakes and fruit.

Finally, an essential step in the process of attaining the caloric deficit needed for real weight loss results involves increasing the level of physical exercise in which you engage. It is important to do some research to become more familiar with how much activity really is required to burn a noticeable number of calories. Once you have a good idea of the types of workouts you need to do to meet your deficit targets, commit yourself fully to a program. Though it can be hard to stay motivated at times, exercise really is a key component in terms of meeting your objectives over the long term.

The battle of the bulge is something that just about everyone has faced at one time or another. However, by simply doing the caloric math and making the necessary lifestyle adjustments, lasting weight loss results truly can be yours.

Smart Detox Tips : The Top 5 Things You Shouldn't Do When You're Trying To Lose Weight


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Smart Detox Tips : The Top 5 Things You Shouldn't Do When You're Trying To Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight in a healthy manner and with long-term results, where you lose weight for good, there are some things you need to do or not do in order to achieve it. Below are some things you should NOT be doing when you're trying to lose weight.

1. Making yourself go hungry 

If you do it long enough, losing weight by not eating or eating very little is counterproductive. For one, the body will go on crisis mode and will conserve the energy it has by slowing down your metabolism. When you get back to eating regularly your body, because it's on crisis mode, lessens the amount of calories that it burns and stores the rest as fat. Other than slowing your metabolism, however, not eating properly is detrimental to your health because it deprives your body of the necessary nutrients to function properly.

2. Snacking on processed foods 

Processed foods have sodium content that causes your body to retain water instead of expelling unnecessary liquids. You'd be surprised but when you lose water weight, you can actually lose up to two pounds. So, stop eating cookies, chips, spam and other processed foods.  If you feel the urge to snack, binge on fruit instead.

3. Letting your mind go wild

Your mind can be your own worst enemy when it comes to losing weight. Weight loss takes time and if you don't quiet your mind so that you're able to control your eating habits and patiently wait for the results, nothing's ever going to happen, or you'll circle around the same cycle of losing weight and gaining it right back. So, relax and meditate and, more importantly, visualize your ideal end results. There are many meditation programs out there like the Silva Method. Try one of them and don't stop until you see results.

4. Constantly weighing yourself

The problem with our culture nowadays is that people want instant results, but this simply isn't possible when it comes to weight loss. Your body needs time to process your actions to put out the appropriate results. If you're trying to lose weight naturally by using diet plans, you should be patient enough to wait eight weeks before standing on the weighing scale.

5. Not seeking out a support group

Did you know that any goal is more easily achieved when you have a support group? Think of Alcoholics Anonymous and other anonymous groups.  Being overweight is a condition that's being experienced by millions of people, yet people who are trying to lose weight usually do it alone and anguish in the process. Make your efforts more fun, and let others learn from you, by seeking support. Search for a support group online and regularly contribute.

Like anything else, losing weight is a goal worth pursuing. In nature, no animal is ever overweight. That said, the natural state of your body is perfect. Always keep that in mind if you have serious doubts that you can lose weight. Yes, you can, however, you have to do things in a certain way in order for things to change.

Smart Detox Tips : Ingin Tetap Langsing? Timbang Diri Anda Setiap Pekan!


Smart Detox Tips : Ingin Tetap Langsing? Timbang Diri Anda Setiap Pekan!

Menjaga berat badan tetap terjaga tak harus didapat dengan cara yang rumit. Salah satu cara yang bisa Anda coba adalah dengan rajin menimbang berat badan tiap pekan.

Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mereka yang memiliki berat badan normal lebih kecil risikonya untuk gemuk kembali jika mereka rutin menimbang, setidaknya sekali dalam sepekan. Temuan ini dianggap penting karena mempertahankan berat badan lebih sulit daripada menurunkannya.

Peneliti dari Birmingham University, Claire D. Madigan, mengatakan bahwa kebiasaan menimbang berat badan secara rutin merupakan strategi simpel dan sederhana yang bisa digunakan untuk mencegah berat badan meningkat.

Untuk membuktikan hal ini, Madigan memberikan sekitar 3.000 orang yang sudah berhasil menurunkan berat badan sebuah timbangan dan meminta mereka menimbang setiap pekan selama 9 bulan.

Hanya sekitar 1.000 orang yang menerima tawaran tersebut dan melaporkan hasil timbangan mereka secara rutin. Sementara sisanya tetap melapor meskipun tak menimbang. Nah, mereka yang memutuskan untuk mau menimbang mengalami kenaikan berat badan 3 kg lebih sedikit dibandingkan yang tidak.

"Menimbang secara rutin dalam sepekan membantu orang-orang tetap melacak berat badan mereka. Sehingga jika ada kenaikan, mereka bisa segera mengambil tindakan," tulis Madigan, seperti dikutip dari Journal of Public Health, Jumat (19/9/2014).

Saat ini Madigan tengah kembali meneliti apakah menimbang setiap hari bisa memberikan pengaruh yang juga signifikan terhadap kestabilan berat badan.

Namun yang pasti hindari kebiasaan mengira-ngira berat badan sendiri ya. Hal ini justru akan membuat Anda tak tahu secara pasti berat badan dan 'menganggapnya' masih normal meskipun sebenarnya tidak. Oleh sebab itu, cobalah untuk menimbang berat badan dan mengukur lingkar pinggang secara berkala.

Smart Detox Tips : Jangan Kaget, Ini Reaksi Tubuh Saat Detoks


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Smart Detox Tips : Jangan Kaget, Ini Reaksi Tubuh Saat Detok

Merasa pusing dan  mual saat baru saja menjalani detoks? Jangan khawatir dan langsung berpikir Anda tak sanggup menjalani detoks ini.

Pakar bidang detoks Andang W Gunawan mengatakan, reaksi itu biasa terjadi ketika baru saja menjalani detoks. Menurutnya, reaksi detoks ini memang sering kali membuat para pemula kaget. Akhirnya mereka berhenti menjalani detoks dan kembali pada pola makan tak sehat.

Padahal, reaksi tersebut adalah proses yang dinamakan healing crises atau krisis penyembuhan untuk kemudian mengeluarkan racun dalam tubuh.

"Kalau kita sudah sering melakukan detoks, reaksi tetap akan muncul. Tetapi kalau tubuh kita biasa detoks, enggak terlalu dirasakan," ujar Andang beberapa waktu lalu di Jakarta.

Seperti dalam bukunya, "Diet Detoks, Cara Alami Menguras Racun Dalam Tubuh", Andang menjelaskan bahwa bentuk reaksi dan kemunculannya berbeda-beda bagi setiap orang.

Reaksi lain yaitu, warna urine lebih keruh dan baunya lebih tajam. Reaksi ini sering terjadi pada mereka yang sebelumnya sering konsumsi obat untuk menyembuhkan penyakit. Akibatnya, bau obat pun ikut terbuang bersama urin dan kotoran.

Kotoran juga akan lebih banyak dan disertai lendir yang cukup pekat. Bahkan untuk yang menjalani program detoks lebih panjang, tubuh akan mengeluarkan kotoran dari lapisan sel yang paling dalam. Bentuk kotoran akan lebih pekat dan berwarna mulai dari kehijauan sampai kehitaman.

Anda juga akan sering buang angin dengan bau yang sangat menusuk. Selain itu, mengalami nyeri sendi hingga batuk-batuk maupun pilek. Terkadang muncul rasa sangat lapar ketika melihat makanan. Namun, rasa lapar yang berlebihan biasanya akan hilang setelah tiga hari menjalani detoks.

Kebanyakan reaksi ini terjadi pada hari ketiga melakukan detoks. Pada hari ketiga ini tubuh baru bisa mengeluarkan racun. "Jadi, jangan berhenti detoks pada hari ketiga," kata Andang.

Ketika reaksi tersebut terjadi, perbanyaklah minum air putih, dan kurangi aktivitas fisik yang berlebihan seperti olahraga. Jangan pula langsung tergoda dengan makanan berat seperti daging, nasi, dan makanan berlemak.

Istirahat lah di tempat yang sejuk dengan sirkulasi udara yang baik. Menurut Andang, reaksi ini akan terjadi pada tahap awal saja.

"Itu cuma sebentar. Sesudah itu kita akan energik, lebih segar, kuat, siang-siang enggak ngantuk," jelas Andang.

Akan tetapi, jika reaksi tersebut terus menerus terjadi, misalnya selama dua minggu, konsultasikan ke ahli nutrisi  yang menguasai detoks.

Menurut Andang, perlu kesabaran untuk mengeluarkan racun dalam tubuh. Apalagi racun sudah lama terbentuk sehingga lama pula untuk pembersihannya. Hal ini merupakan tantangan jika ingin memiliki tubuh yang sehat.

Detoks sendiri sama halnya dengan puasa dari makanan yang tidak sehat. Detoks ini bisa dilakukan selama 7 hari, 14 hari, hingga 40 hari. Anda hanya akan makan buah dan sayur-sayuran.

Andang menjelaskan, buah dan sayur membantu proses detoksifikasi atau pembuangan racun dalam tubuh lebih maksimal. Racun yang menumpuk dalam tubuh selama ini akan bersikulasi dalam darah dan getah bening. Kemudian bisa merusak sel dan jaringan sekitarnya sehingga bisa menyebabkan penyakit kronis.

Smart Detox Tips : 5 Kebiasaan Minum yang Bikin Berat Badan Bertambah


Smart Detox Tips : 5 Kebiasaan Minum yang Bikin Berat Badan Bertambah

Jenis makanan dan minuman yang Anda konsumsi memiliki peran yang besar terhadap bertambahnya berat badan.

“Orang sering tidak memperhatikan berapa banyak yang mereka makan dan minum, sehingga tanpa sadar mengasup terlalu banyak kalori,” terang Dana James, M.S, seorang pakar diet sekaligus founder dari Food Coach New York City.

“Bahkan ada kebiasaan mengonsumsi minuman yang dianggap biasa-biasa saja justru membuat berat badan bertambah,” tambah Dana.

Apa saja kebiasaan minum yang tanpa disadari justru membuat berat badan bertambah? Berikut 5 di antaranya menurut Dana James, M.S.

Minum Jus Buah

Sering mengonsumsi jus buah justru dapat mengakibatkan berat badan bertambah. Mengapa?

“Kebanyakan orang menambahkan terlalu banyak pemanis dalam jus buah mereka. Pemanis itulah yang bisa mengakibatkan berat badan bertambah,” terang Dana.

“Ada cara yang lebih sehat jika ingin mengonsumsi jus buah dan bebas kegemukan. Tidak perlu tambahan pemanis, cukup kombinasi buah segar dan air secukupnya. Itu jauh lebih aman,” tambahnya.

Kurang Minum

“Banyak orang yang belum menyadari kalau air minum adalah antioksidan,” papar Dana. Kandungan hidrogen air minum dapat melindungi tubuh dari radikal bebas. Masalahnya, kebanyakan orang tidak mengonsumsi air minum yang cukup setiap hari, sehingga kondisi tersebut dapat mengakibatkan dehidrasi.

“Di satu sisi, dehidrasi dapat mengakibatkan seseorang merasa lapar dan ingin mengonsumsi sesuatu yang manis dan berkalori tinggi. Jadi, potensi untuk membuat berat badan bertambah cukup besar,” ungkap Dana.

Sering Minum Bir

Alkohol adalah jebakan besar yang siap membuat berat badan bertambah dan membuat perut Anda membuncit. Mengapa demikian?

Pertama adalah kandungan kalori. Kenaikan berat badan akibat alkohol diakibatkan semata-mata dari tingginya jumlah kalori yang terkandung di dalamnya. Setelah mengkonsumsi alkohol, umumnya seseorang akan merasa lapar. Hal ini akan memicu konsumsi makanan berlebih yang pada akhirnya mengakibatkan kenaikan berat badan.

Terakhir, alkohol membuat seseorang merasa malas melakukan aktivitas pada keesokan harinya. Sangat sedikit orang yang baru saja berpesta alkohol di malam hari masih memiliki energi di keesokan harinya. Malas beraktivitas setelah minum alkohol akan berkontribusi pada kenaikan berat badan.

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Smart Detox Tips : The Best Way To Get In Shape


Smart Detox Tips : The Best Way To Get In Shape

Getting in shape is not as hard as it seems. If you tried several weight loss methods and did not get good results, it is time to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Go over the following article to learn more about the best way to get in shape.

You can get great results without using weight loss pills, counting calories or following weight loss programs. Developing your own weight loss method and focusing on adopting healthy habits is actually the best way to lose weight. You should think about the long term and give yourself enough time to get used to your new habits. Do not expect to reach an ideal weight in less than six months but keep in mind that transforming your lifestyle will help you live longer and avoid health problems.

Look for ways to improve your diet. You should read the labels of the foods and beverages you usually buy. Eliminate anything with a high quantity of fat, trans fat, sugar, high fructose corn syrup or sodium. It is best to avoid snacks, processed foods and sugary drinks. If you often eat at fast food restaurants, get rid of this bad habit right away. Giving up the foods you love is not easy, which is why you should work on finding new healthy foods you love.

Adopt a diet that is well balanced. All your meals should have a few foods from each food group. Try introducing more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fibers to your diet. Try at least one new food a week so you can find healthy foods you love. Give exotic dishes a chance and try a few vegetarian dishes too. You can also adapt your favorite recipes into healthier meals, for instance by replacing pasta with whole grain noodles or by adding some vegetables to the recipe.

If you do not walk for at least thirty minutes a day, you need to organize yourself differently so you have more time to be active. Try going for a long walk every day or find another way to be more active. You could for instance plan sports on the weekends, ride your bike or be more active around the house. Being more active will help you lose a lot of weight and you will soon find that you have more energy than usual.

Working out regularly is a great way to reach an ideal weight. You should start with some very simple exercises to target your midsection. Do plenty of sit ups to work on your abs and you will soon find that your core is much stronger. You can then move on to other exercises designed to tone different parts of your body. Find a good cardio workout to burn plenty of calories and slim down.

These weight loss strategies will help you get the results you always wanted. Use them to develop your own program and you will soon have an ideal silhouette if you are properly motivated.

Smart Detox Tips The Most Effective Weight Loss Program Involves Better Habits


Smart Detox Tips The Most Effective Weight Loss Program Involves Better Habits

Every member of the family probably recognizes the best way they can stay fit and remain slender, even if they require significant amount of weight loss. Typically, fit families are those that have established habits based on a healthy lifestyle. This is often challenging within a busy home, where both parents are off working throughout the day.

Managing a weight loss system in an active family requires dedication of consuming a balanced diet, and performing regular exercise. While it might appear to be much more convenient to simply stop by the fast food joint for dinner, than to prepare a healthy meal, in the long run it can cause significant issues and diminish the health of the family.

An effective weight loss program to keep the family fit and slender requires basic steps. These include:

Do Not Forget Breakfast ñ Yes it is true that the most essential meal of the day is breakfast. Without it, the bodyís metabolism will quickly slow down, making weight loss significantly more challenging. By creating a healthy breakfast at home, loaded with low-fat proteins, vegetables and fruits, whole grains and low-fat dairy products is essential to a healthier lifestyle.

30 Minutes of Exercise a Day ñ Signing up for a gym that is 10 or 15 minutes away from home is usually a waste of time. Consider gathering the entire family together to enjoy a brisk walk or some effective activity. Attempt to keep the family workouts convenient and short. Remember that the young children will quickly become bored, so mix up the daily activities to keep them entertained.

Purchase Groceries Using a List ñ Just like you should never purchase groceries on an empty stomach, you should only buy food using a list. It is very easy to select low quality foods simply because they are within sight. If it helps, take along a healthy snack, to enjoy while grocery shopping. This not only benefits you, but also the child that is begging for the purchase of a snack that is truly unhealthy.

Eat Meals Together Every Night ñ Enjoying the family meals together at dinner time is the perfect opportunity to entertain each other, and stay connected. It helps develop better weight loss strategies, by eating the correct portion sizes. Avoid bringing cell phones to the table, or watching TV during dinnertime.

Set a Pre-Determine Bedtime ñ Everyone in the family including the parents requires an essential nightís sleep to maintain optimal health. Without it, it is easy to put on weight, causing everyone in the family to get on a weight loss program. By setting a routine bedtime for every member of the family, everyone can be assured of receiving a minimum of six hours and an optimal level of eight hours of quality sleep every night.

When the family eats right, by developing better habits, there is no need to create a weight loss system, because everyone is slender and fit. However this takes determination and dedication from every member of the family, especially mom and dad.

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